Field Trip - Spideypool/Stony

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( Peter and Wade are just regular kids, no superpowers or whatever. Before Deadpool and Spider-Man happened. Tony and Steve are Peter's adoptive parents. Wade's the same age as Peter, like 16/17 ish. )

I hope this is what you were asking for @katie_night !!

Peter's POV

Flash shoves me up against a locker on the way to the school bus.

"Hey, Penis Parker. Your little lie is finally going to be revealed," he hisses, punching me in the jaw.

He's immediately grabbed by the shoulder and tugged away from me.

"I thought I told you to leave my boyfriend alone," Wade snarls, anger radiating off of him.

"I'm okay, Wade. I'm fine. Just let it go," I say, grabbing for his hand to calm him down. We both know that if a teacher sees this, me and Wade will get in trouble, not Flash. Never Flash.

Wade growls at Flash, wrapping a protective arm around my waist before leading me out of the building.

Flash has been bullying me for longer than I can remember, always being that daunting figure over my shoulder. And I can't fight back. I'm barely 5'7, pretty scrawny, a loser. I've got 1 friend, a boyfriend, and MJ, who knows what she counts as.

Wade, on the other hand, is a very good protector. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty for me, but I don't want him to. I don't like seeing him all aggressive and mean, even towards someone like Flash. Wade's 6'2 and well built, on the lacrosse team and plays some football too. I don't know how I ever ended up with him, but here I am I guess.

Wade's grip is tight on my waist as he leads me all the way to the bus, anger still pulsing off him and a deep frown on his face. Before we get onto the bus, I kiss him softly.

"Chill, Wade. It's okay. It doesn't hurt," I murmur, wanting this field trip to go better than I know it will. Wade's going to be pissed at Flash the whole time and Flash will be pissed at both of us, and I don't want my dads to find out about Flash bullying me.

"You're already bruising. I can't believe this is still going on," he mutters, clenching his jaw.

I kiss him again, hoping to calm him down with puppy dog eyes.

"Please, Wade. Just drop it. I want to just ignore him, have fun instead. I finally get to take my boyfriend back to my house," I say, grinning up at him when his shoulders loosen.

"I've been at the tower before," he says, rolling his eyes at my childishness.

"You were there for like 10 minutes before Dad kicked you out," I say, giggling when he smiles, remembering that stupid day.

It was after school and he came over to study. Well, Wade didn't feel like studying so we started making out instead. Let's just say that Dad wasn't very happy to walk in on that.

"It's not my fault that you're so kissable," he replies, knocking shoulders with me before gently nudging me to get onto the bus.

"Well it's your fault you've been banned from the tower."

I sit with Ned, sticking my tongue out when Wade pouts, having to sit 4 rows back by himself.

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