Life Has a Hopeful Undertone

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An important A/N: Just some fluff because I'm so beyond grateful that this oneshot book has hit 400K reads. That's literally beyond crazy. Y'all are literally the best. Thank you.

I want to do something to celebrate this milestone since I've neglected to celebrate most others with anything more than just a bunch of exclamation points at the end of a chapter so

Would anyone participate in a writing contest??

Does anybody want me to do a Q&A?? 

Any other suggestions??

Yeah, so let me know what y'all think! 

Also, I'm changing the cover of this oneshot book. It was made by Phoenix_292000 !!

Now, onto the chapter!!


Peter chucks a t-shirt in retaliation to a joking insult Harley had told him, rolling his eyes dramatically.

"We're going to be late if you keep throwing things around," Harley says, lobbing the shirt across the room, back at his brother.

They've been sharing a dorm room all year for their first year at MIT together, courtesy of Tony and his sway at the school.

"We can't be late. We're driving," Peter says, but he does as asked and starts packing his stuff quicker.

They both passed all their classes this year with flying colours and Tony is throwing a celebration at the cabin for them even though nobody's really surprised.

Something everything was surprised about, though, is how well the pair has gotten along. A lot of people were betting that they'd be jealous of one another. But after the snap was reversed and Peter met Harley after the superheroes returned to Tony's cabin to rest, they were immediately attached at the hip. Peter filled Harley in on everything that had changed with Tony before the snap and Harley filled Peter in on the five missing years.

And, of course, the siblings wouldn't be complete without their mischievous little sister, Morgan.

"Why the fuck do I have a spatula in my backpack?" Harley says, pulling out a vibrant green spatula. "I didn't even know we owned a spatula."

"We don't," Peter says through his laughter. "Maybe it's a hint that we really need to learn how to cook."

Harley has the audacity to look offended. "I can cook."

"Anything out of a package with instructions don't count," Peter argues. "We've been living the whole year off ramen noodles and Kraft Dinner. That really doesn't count as cooking."

"Shut the fuck up," Harley whines, throwing the spatula at Peter who easily dodges it with a roll of his eyes. "I'm driving you home."

"Technically we're taking turns."

"I hate you; you know that?"

Peter grins. "You love me. Admit it, we're connected."

Holding a hand over his chest, Harley looks downright horrified. "Tony told you?"

"He's told me everything. I'm surprised you don't have any blackmail material on me."

"Oh, trust me, I do. I'm just too nice to ever use any of that. Do you know about some of things you've said while on your super-strength pain meds? It's really interesting-"

The spatula hits Harley in the side of the head in retaliation.


Five hours in the car with someone you've literally been rooming with for nine months, doesn't sound like that big of a deal. It should be fine, right? They've spent nine whole months sleeping in adjacent beds and sharing a bathroom, how can a five-hour car ride be that bad?

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