sick of losing soulmates

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"Up and at 'em, Parker!" Harley calls from outside the door.

"Not going," Peter grumbles, pulling the blanket over his head and pushing his face into his pillow. It smells of lavender and the sea, a mixture of his shampoo and the spray he puts on his pillow to help him sleep. It doesn't smell like home.

He hears his door creak open, making a mental note to fix that at some point, and the bed dips as his boyfriend sits down.

A warm hand is laid across his back, rubbing soothing circles through his blanket and shirt.

"Everything alright, darlin'?" the older teenager asks gently, sweeter than the doofus normally acts.

"It's so stupid," Peter whines, words muffled by his pillow.

"Whatever it is, it's not stupid."

"I just..." Peter rolls over to look up at his boyfriend's reassuring smile, dimples visible in his golden cheeks. "I miss my dad."

"Homesick?" Harley clarifies quietly, eyebrows creasing.

"I guess, yeah. I know I went home for Christmas and I know I'll get to see them for a couple days for spring break, but I don't know... I just miss Tony and I miss Queens and I miss genuinely enjoying my time home and not constantly fretting about everything else."

"Is it possible for you to stop fretting?" Harley asks with a knowing grin. "Don't answer that. I have a new plan. Let's take a road trip up to New York for a couple days. We have group chats for all our classes, and I can take as many personal days as I want at my job. We'll surprise Tony and the others."

Peter immediately perks up at the suggestion. All he wants is to be home at the cabin in his warm comfy bed with his boyfriend having Tony yell at them to keep the doors open.

"Are you sure? We already missed a few days a couple weeks ago when we got the flu..."

"I'm sure, darlin'. The only thing I care about is that you're happy. We'll catch up on our classes when we get back. And my internship is very pliable. They wouldn't mind me taking a few days off, especially not for my genius boyfriend."

Harley works as an intern for a high-class tech company, working for the lead woman to get her coffee, take her calls when she's out of office, sort her paperwork, and occasionally, he pitches new ideas. He took Peter to his job once for a work party and everyone adored Peter and his high GPA and his endless creative ideas. The boss took a special liking to that after Harley finally opened up while Peter was around to impress his boyfriend.

"You're the best, you know that?" Peter leans up to kiss his boyfriend excitedly.

"I know," Harley teases. "I love you."

"Love you too."


They managed to get on the road within half an hour, tossing their backpacks in the trunk of Harley's prized 1966 Chevrolet Camaro that he fixed up with Tony last summer, and then they're off.

Harley drives, obviously, and Peter keeps a stream of rambled conversation between them. Partially to keep Harley awake until their pitstop for coffee and partially because he feels like they've been so busy recently – between both of their days of classes and college homework, Harley's internship, and Peter helping Pepper with Stark Industries long distance – they've rarely had the time to just talk and chatter about everything and nothing.

It doesn't really bother Peter, he knows that life just gets in the way sometimes, and they'd be back to normal in no time, he just sometimes misses their domesticity. Harley gets home late, so he misses dinner nearly every night and he sleeps in, so Peter's already gone by the time he wakes up. They both have classes throughout the day, so they don't have time for lunch dates.

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