Stressed - Irondad

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TW for weight loss (not explicitly ED), self-hatred, vomiting, panic attacks.

Peter's POV

To say I had gotten overwhelmed with stress is an understatement.

With May always working late and even taking extra shifts to be able to afford food on the table after our rent went up, Tony wanting me in for the internship everyday after school, MJ wanting academic decathlon meets at least 3 times a week, Ned wanting to hang out whenever, homework, and spiderman patrol, I was getting in a little over my head.

I don't sleep much at all anymore. I'm up into the late hours of the night with homework and around the apartment cleaning to do. I've even started drinking coffee which is bad in itself, it makes my spidey senses go absolutely nuts, turning me into even more of a fidgety mess than I already was.

Unfortunately, there's nothing for me to do about it except struggle through until I can catch a couple hours of sleep on the weekend and lose a bit of stress.

I've actually become quite the makeup artist over the past couple weeks, stealing Aunt May's concealer for underneath my eyes so nobody will notice the dark almost bruises underneath my eyes from sleep deprivation.

It doesn't help that whenever I try to sleep I have nightmares anyways.

The only big problem, is the fainting.

I don't have the will, appetite, or time to eat anything anymore. And with my fast metabolism as spiderman, I've been losing weight faster than I should be. It's not that I want to, more than anything I'd love a nice long peaceful sleep and then a buffet of food. But I can't. I physically cannot.

And the loneliness.

May's always gone. Tony's always busy when we're together. Ned and MJ have enough on their plate as is, they all do. It hurts so bad to constantly lie to the only people I call family, but I don't want to bother them. I don't want anyone to feel bad for my current situation, so I just won't mention it.

But it becomes apparent very fast, that I won't be able to keep this a secret forever.

The world is spinning violently as I make my way towards Happy's car after decathlon.

Flash was teasing me the whole time. Calling me names, knocking my elbow, saying that I'm too stupid to be on the team whenever I didn't have the answers. I normally would have all the answers, but my brain seems a little more jumbled than usual.

I feel like I'm going to be sick, but I can't even the last time I ate.

I hate this. I hate myself for being so weak and letting this happen. I hate myself for pretending to be some kind of hero, when I can't even save myself from this spiral.

I don't even realize my knees have buckled until my arm is being wrapped around someone's shoulder and my body's being held up.

I slur out some mess of words, wanting to get my head on straight. Guess I'll be drinking coffee at Tony's again today, probably chug the whole thing when he turns his back.

"Hey, hey, hey. Come on, Peter. Focus. Are you okay? Should I get you to a hospital?" It's MJ. She sounds awfully concerned for someone who doesn't tend to show a lot of emotion.

I want to cry. I'm so weak. So pathetic.

There's two, maybe three or even four pairs of her pretty brown eyes staring down at me and I blink rapidly to try to get her back in focus. I don't remember how I got there, but I'm now sitting against the school, MJ kneeling in front of me.

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