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Ayyyyyy guess who's back it's your gurl ready to hit you with another update (I am so tired wtf I ave so much homework to do) Enjoy !!

May's POV

My phone rings, waking me from my sleep.

I glance down, wanting to roll my eyes. It's 2 in the morning, but a chill runs through my body when I realize it's Tony calling. He'd only call if something was wrong with Peter. I was asleep before I checked to make sure he was home after patrol.

"Tony? What's going on?" I ask, shaking away my grogginess to stumble out of bed.

"It's... It's Peter... Karen alerted me so I went and found him... We're on our way to the hospital. The one we went to last time," he informs quickly.

"I'll be there in 15."

I don't bother waiting for a response before hanging up. I always want to get mad at Tony for this. Peter wouldn't be in danger if Tony hadn't given him a new suit, but if Tony hadn't... Peter might be in more danger than he gets into now. The suit protects him and Tony was alerted the moment Peter got hurt, so I can't be mad.

My heart is racing when I finally get to the hospital, wearing a pair of loose sweatpants and a t-shirt. Tony's easy to find, slumped heavily in a chair, head in his hands, absolutely exhausted.

"What happened? Is he going to be okay?" I ask, sometimes it feels like those are the only words I ever say to him.

"He's in surgery right now. Got shot 3 times in the chest area. Bled a lot. Found him in an alley, a street away from where he tied up the bad guys. Took him here as soon as I could. They said it could be hours in surgery and even days until he wakes up afterwards. I got them to use the sedatives that me and Banner made, the super-strength stuff so he stays asleep, but he might be asleep for a very long time," Tony explains, lifting his head as I collapse in the chair next to him. His eyes are bloodshot and the dark circles under his eyes are prominent.

"3 shots?" I echo, heart heavy. He's my kid and I can't even take care of him.

"It's not your fault, May. He shouldn't have gone in there alone. He should've called for backup. He knows I would've been there in minutes to help out, but he went in there alone, knowing they all had guns... Not your fault and not mine either," he says, firmly, but I'm pretty positive that we'll both still blame ourselves until we're sure Peter's okay.

I sigh, dropping the topic anyways. "Listen, I'll be totally honest, you look like shit. I'll go get us some coffee and food, I'll be back in a few, Okay? Text me if you get any news on Peter."

We've done this only a few times before with Peter in hospital or just Peter getting hurt and staying on bed rest for a couple days. We know how to work around each other and what the other needs when this happens. Because unfortunately, somebody doesn't like to just be a regular kid and stay safe. I subconsciously roll my eyes at that thought. Of course it had to be my kid that gets the superpowers.

Tony nods, half-smiling sadly at me.

"Thanks, May."

When I get back, Tony's started pacing the waiting room, chugging the coffee as soon as it's in his hands. We've done this so many times that I know Tony likes his coffee black better but I put a bit of sugar because that's what Peter always does for him, saying that black coffee is gross and doesn't make him any cooler.

We share the fries I had gotten, neither of us hungry enough to eat a real meal or anything, and we sit, shoulder to shoulder, on a bench in the stupid room, waiting and waiting endlessly for news on how Peter's surgery is going.

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