5 Times Peter Got Help and One Time He Didn't - Part Two

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Things had started looking up for Peter. He felt a little bit better with everything.

Obviously bad days were still common and good days felt few and far between, but less nightmares, less panic attacks, less guilt.

Today started out good. Peter had woken up excited to find there was no heavy weight demanding to stay in bed. There was no sadness hanging onto his wrists and ankles, tying him to the bedposts like most days. It felt like a good day for him.

May's in the kitchen, drinking tea when Peter races out of his room, a smile lighting up his face, and it's contagious.

She smiles back as Peter skips around the kitchen getting his breakfast and lunch ready, eyes big and bright like they should always be.

Unfortunately, the universe always seems to be working against the kid as he makes it to first period early for the first time in a long time.

Ned slides into the seat beside Peter, smiling at his friend's happiness that he doesn't get to see as often as he wishes he could.

Peter smiles back, pushing his curls away from his sparkling eyes, joy bubbling through his chest.

The bubble is popped though when Peter's spidey-senses start ringing at the back of his head. Danger.

Peter's eyes dart back and forth, forcing his body to still and focus, smile dropping from his face.

And then cold.

Peter jolts to his feet, immediately scrambling to get the milkshake from his eyes as he spins to see Flash laughing loudly at Peter's humiliation, empty milkshake cup still in hand.

Peter briefly wonders why he would even bother wasting his milkshake just to bully Peter, but then he's choking on the drink as it cascades down his face and over the front of his t-shirt.

"Fuck you!" Peter coughs out, stumbling into his desk as he tries to escape.

Walls feel like their caving in, roof collapsing.

And then he's tangled. Tangled in the parachute as he tumbles towards the icy waters.

"Let's go," Ned grumbles, grabbing Peter's arm and jolting him as his mind tangles with memories.

Drowning. Drowning. Drowning.

Ned drags Peter off to the bathroom as Peter struggles to drag himself out of his thoughts.

But he's drowning.

Drowning. Drowning. Drowning.

Metal claws digging into his chest.

The Vulture.

Glowing Green Eyes.

And then he's free falling.

Drowning. Drowning. Drowning.

Tangled in the parachute as he tumbles beneath the waves.


"Peter! Peter! C'mon. You're okay. You're safe. Whatever you're thinking, it's not happening, okay? You're in the school bathrooms, okay? With me. With Ned. Remember? C'mon, Peter," Ned begs, squeezing Peter's elbows tightly to bring the kid back to reality.

Finally, it works and Peter snaps back to where he is, eyes dragging across the room for danger. But nothing. Just the small bathroom in the high school, strawberry milkshake in his hair and eyes and nose and mouth and all over his clothing. Fuck.

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