it's okay if you can't catch your breath

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(You can take the oxygen straight out of my own chest) 

{I know I haven't written real Irondad in a little while, but I had this idea so I rolled with it. Some Irondad but probably mostly Harley/Peter - Speaking of, should I split my Irondad oneshots and Ship Oneshots into two separate books or are yall okay with this mess?? }

{TW for gun violence/school shootings.  Stay safe my friends.}

{Also based loosely off an episode of Glee because that's the kind of person I am whoops}


Harley watches Peter yawn widely, nearly missing his mouth with his straw for his juice box. He knows it's been a long few weeks for Peter, it's been long for everyone, meaning it's definitely been harder for Peter.

"You should've taken the day off. Tony thinks you're getting sick," Harley points out. Peter will get sick at this rate, constantly putting his body through hell for school, extra-curriculars, Spider-Man, Lab Nights, and Harley. "At least take tomorrow off."

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Peter mumbles. Harley knows not to feel hurt by Peter's uncaring tone. It's just early on a Monday morning and the hero was out way too late the night before.

Ned rolls his eyes. "If you two are planning on making out, let me know in advance. I don't want to throw up all of my lunch."

Nodding, MJ stands from the end of the table. "I'm going to Chemistry earlier; you want to come?"

They all stand up and head towards their locker, laughing at things the other says and Harley doting on Peter's every need, including opening his locker and carrying his books as they head towards Chemistry.

The teacher, Mister Anderson, drones on about chemical compounds and a lab experiment they'll be doing in a few days. You'd think, at a STEM school, they'd have fun Chemistry classes, but everyone hates Mister Anderson. He's an old man, probably his late seventies and he doesn't understand new technology or younger generations.

About halfway through class, Peter asks to go to the bathroom and disappears out the door when Mister Anderson waves his hand.

It's a running joke in their friend circle about Peter's constant bathroom breaks. With his high metabolism, he constantly drinks water to make up for it, which also means more trips to the bathroom. He's had to have really awkward conversations with teachers who think he's doing drugs in the bathroom during class.

Mister Anderson assigns some textbook work to do, so Harley turns to Ned to talk instead. He could do the work in his sleep.

He opens his mouth to speak, but before he can get any words out, a deafening shot rings through the air.

Harley's from Tennessee. He knows what a gunshot sounds like and that was definitely it.

"Get down!" he shouts.

Everyone's scrambling out of the desks, racing for the back lab benches where they'll have to hide. MJ makes it to the doors first, grabbing the keys from the frozen teacher to quickly lock the doors from the outside.

The situation hasn't caught up to him yet, so with surprising calmness, he pulls down blinds over the windows and turns off the lights, encasing the room in near darkness.

"Mister Anderson?" he calls quietly. The teacher's eyes are wide, face pale, hands trembling. "Come on. Sit down."

Harley leads the man over to where the other kids are sitting, shoulder-to-shoulder, thigh-to-thigh, in between the lab benches. He sits Mister Anderson down before searching for his friends and then it hits him.

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