Bullies - Irondad

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Peter's POV

Flash pushes me up against the lockers and I hit my head against the metal, holding back a whine of pain.

"Hey! Let him go!" Ned says, tugging at Flash's arm, but some of the other stupid kids grab my friend and hold it back.

"Penis Parker! You're so stupid! You're parents are dead! Wonder why?! I would die too if you were my kid. They probably died from your annoyance," Flash taunts, laughing at me as he slams me against the locker again.

I don't respond, taking the pain like I always do.

Flash's fist hits my face and I groan, wishing I could fight back, but I'm too scared of hurting him.

He hits me again and again and again, the pain exploding throughout my body, but I ignore it. I've been through worse.

"You stupid, worthless, little bitch!" Flash screams, every word landing a kick to my torso. He'd dropped me to the floor, kicking me over and over again.

I feel a rib break inside me and I cough up some blood.

The red paints the floor and this seems to push Flash to go farther.

He laughs, one of his awful, annoying, high pitched cackles. His shoe hits my shoulder. Once, twice, three times before it pops out of place.

I cry out quietly in agony and curl up over myself.

I briefly hear MJ speaking some words and then the world falls dark.

I wake up in the nurse's office, lying across a couch.

MJ and Ned are both watching me carefully. I wince as I shift up into a sitting position.

"Take it easy, Peter," Ned says quickly.

"Your Aunt was called, but she didn't answer her phone and you didn't have anyone else listed as emergency contacts, so the nurse said we could stay until the end of the day. So you wouldn't be alone when you woke up," MJ explains, voice more gentle than I've ever heard.

"Mis-Mister St-Stark," I choke out. I don't want to have to stay here any longer, give any more chances to Flash to hurt me. Plus, I really need some painkillers that will work with my fast metabolism.

"You want us to call The Tony Stark," Ned echoes in total confusion.

I nod quickly, ignoring the pain that explodes through my face at the movement.

I fumble through my pockets for the phone and MJ quickly moves to help as I jostle my dislocated shoulder.

She pulls it out of my back pocket and hands it over to me.

I find his contact and call him without hesitation.

Tony's POV

"Boss. You've got a call from Peter Parker," FRIDAY announces, voice echoing through the lab.

"Send it to voicemail," I say, continuing on my work.

But the moment Peter starts talking on the other end, I know somethings wrong.

"Um... hey, Mister Stark. Aunt May's busy at work... and I, um, sort of got myself into a fight... I didn't... I didn't exactly get out alright. I'm in the nurses office now. If you're not busy, I could use a ride back to my apartment. I would've called Happy, but I think he blocked me... Okay, thanks. Bye," he says, voice a little too shaky.

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