happy endings are the hardest to fake

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istanstanley and a few other users who wanted a Major Character Death one I just couldn't be bothered to find the other usernames because it's 2am and I'm tired oops anywho TW for Major Character Death I guess. 


"Morgan!" Peter shouts, eyes wide with desperation. He yanks her towards him, into his chest and curls his body over hers on the ground, protecting her from the rubble raining down around them.

Morgan's sure she passes out in the next few moments, whether it's from shock or fear or panic, she doesn't know, but when she comes to, the world is dark.

There's a heavy weight against her chest, muffled cries of pain coming from somewhere above her. She's lying on her back, rock and rubble pushing against her through her t-shirt, but it's more uncomfortable than painful. What's painful is the awful whimpering noises coming from somewhere near her head.

When her eyes adjust, she realizes it's Peter that's pressed on top of her, eyes squeezed shut and little noises escaping his slack mouth, panting and whining. His whole body is trembling, held up by his forearms on either side of her head, bodies pressed together from their stomachs to their legs.

She coughs suddenly, confused and disoriented. Her head is pounding and her fingers are tingling, but otherwise she feels fine despite Peter's weight pressing her to the rocky ground.

"Mor-Morgan," Peter breathes desperately. "You've gotta- You've gotta call Dad. Please- Please, tell me you have your phone."

His whole-body shudders suddenly and there's a loud crash somewhere above them making Peter curse some more, face rapidly turning red.

She tries, she really does, but she doesn't have the space to move. Her phone is in her back pocket, she can feel the rectangle pressing into her, but she can't lift her hips to reach beneath her and she can't really move her arms from where they're trapped at her sides.

"I can't move, Petey. What's-What's going on?" she asks, hating how small and childish her voice comes out. She's eleven, she should be acting tougher, but she can't. She just can't.

It was meant to be fun. Just a little afternoon spent with her big brother now that he's home for a week from University. He got some split-deal going on with CalTech and MIT, so he's home even less than he was before when he was just at MIT, but he only has a few months left until he's done his last year and then he's meant to be returning home to work at Stark Industries.

He took her out to their favourite café and then to an arcade. The arcade used to be a factory, but it shut down and some teenagers thought it would be cool to turn it into an arcade/bowling alley/club type place.

It was meant to be just simple and fun, but it took a turn for the worse when some guy showed up. All he did was lift a finger to his lips, in a motion that meant quiet, and Peter's face filled with confusion and then fear. He only had time to grab Morgan and curl his body over hers before the bomb went off and the building collapsed.

"Bomb," Peter chokes out as an explanation. His muscles are straining, body tense wherever Morgan can feel or see.

"What- What do we do?"

A broken sob escapes Peter, head drooping so their foreheads touch. His breath is heavy and warm against her face and his tears drip onto her skin.

"I don't know," he says. His breathing sounds more like wheezing now that their faces are closer together. "I don't know. I just- I can't think. Fuck, I just- I- It hurts, shit-"

"What hurts? What's wrong?" Morgan asks quickly, trying to imitate how her dad would act, but the panic is filling her up like a balloon, ready to burst at any second.

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