4 Times Peter Lied About Being Okay, and One Time he Admitted he Wasn't

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Sorry this isn't even a proper 5+1, just a 4+1 hope it's good enough to make up for the missing part :) Also sorry for the late update

Long chapter as thanks for 50k (now 55k) that's super cool thank you so so much !!! enjoy!


It was an average day to every other person except for May Parker and her nephew Peter Parker. To them, it was another end of the world sort of the day.

The anniversary of Ben Parker's Death.

When Peter woke up, tangled in his sheets, sweaty and racing heart, he didn't remember the date for a moment. And when it hit him, it felt like the world was crashing down around him. He had a whole day of school and then his internship afterwards to do. Then Patrol and homework. Another busy day except with the heavy weight of his lost family member, tugging at his heartstrings, ready to set him off whenever.

He knows it's a bad idea to go to school. He should just take the day off and spend it with May, but she's going to work too. She can't afford to take a day off, so neither will he.

"You're sure to go to school? I don't mind you staying home. Or you can head over to the tower now and spend the day there," May suggests when she sees the teen's dark bags and bloodshot eyes.

"I'm fine, May. Thanks, but I'm fine. I'll be fine. I'll be home for dinner?"

"No, no, no. Have dinner with Tony, he'll feed you better than I can. I'll be okay without you here. You try to have fun today," she says, smiling and kissing her nephew's forehead.

Peter hurries off to school, not wanting to spend another second with her. He carries the guilt of his uncle around like a ball and chain on his heart.

Ned meets him at the front door, but doesn't say anything. He remembers the date. Knows the pain of the day that Peter will be going through.

By lunch, Peter's feeling alright. He can handle it. He's fine. Totally, one hundred percent fine. He's sure he can make it through the day without a single problem.

Until, Of course, Flash shows up.

"Penis Parker! Heard you failed the Chem Test! You're such a fucking failure, aren't you, Parker?!" Flash taunts, shoving Peter up against the lockers.

He lets himself be pushed, not enough care in him to push back and fight him.

"You're a failure, you know that?! No wonder you're all by yourself! If I were your family, I would've killed myself too!" Flash laughs, shoving him again.

But this is too far. Peter shoves Flash's shoulders back, throwing a hard punch at Flash's nose. The blood is instant, and despite how much Peter wants to hit him again, he holds back, letting his anger bubble.

"Don't talk about my family," Peter spits, stalking to the office. He can't do this. He can't. He's physically incapable of spending another second in this hell with his uncle on his brain every single second.

It's your fault.

Flash is right.

Ben is dead because of you.

"Hello, Mister Parker. Is there anything I can do for you?" The secretary says with a worried smile. Peter's not surprised. He's got tears pouring down his face and there's blood on his knuckles.

"I wanna go home... Please," he mumbles, slumping down in a chair.

"You have 2 emergency contacts. Who would you like me to call?" she says, giving him another calming smile.

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