Valentine's Day - Spideypool

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Woo I'm writing this instead of doing my work lmao I'm gonna have so much homework to do later whoops lmao I'm sad and lonely bcs it's Valentine's Day and I'm all by myself. Like not even my friends are at school today so whoops whatever. I'm writing fanficition instead lmao

(Peter and Wade are in University together)


Peter doesn't particularly care for Valentine's Day. He thinks a person should show as much love as they can for every day of the year, not just on the specific holiday.

But even though this is something he truly stands by, this doesn't mean he wouldn't accept gifts. Not in a selfish way, just that he likes chocolate. And he likes cuddles. And he likes nice dinners. And he likes flowers. And he likes stuffies. It's the truth. So maybe, just maybe, he was hoping Wade would be nice and cute and get him Valentine's Day gifts. Obviously, he's already bought stuff for Wade with the little bits of savings they've both got, but he wants Wade to do it first.

Peter had a shift at 4 am for his job at a coffee shop, so he gets home a little after 8 to find Wade in the kitchen making breakfast. This is a good routine they've gotten into where Peter works morning, Wade cooks breakfast. And Wade works evenings, Peter cooks dinners. And then they've both got classes throughout the day and patrol after dinner and homework whenever they could squeeze it in.

"Hey, babe!" Peter chirps. Wade's never been able to understand how Peter is still happy after a 4 hours shift this early in the morning after barely sleeping. Some days, Wade will make Peter skip patrol just so he can sleep for longer.

"Hiya, Baby Boy! How was work?" Wade responds, half-turning away from the counter to look at his boyfriend.

"Really good!" Peter exclaims. He's still in his work clothing, a black long sleeve with a pair of black trousers, name tag pinned to his shirt.

"That's good. I'm making pancakes if you want to set the table for me," Wade replies, flipping another pancake onto the stack.

It's sometimes difficult for them. They're both working minimum wage jobs. They're living in a small, one-bedroom apartment with peeling paint and cracked windows. They barely have enough storage for the two of them. They're drowning in student debts, though Peter got a full scholarship so it's mainly Wade's debt. They're both superhero's with crazy metabolism's that are hard to keep up with considering how little money they've got that doesn't go into rent and schooling.

But they're happy. Despite everything, they're happy. Because they've got each other and it's easier to do anything when you've got someone by your side, helping to bear the weight of the world.

Obviously, May and Tony have offered countless times to help out with expenses if needed, but Peter's always denying it. He likes being independent and he hates feeling like charity, and Wade's not going to go against him. So if they got a few days with a little less food than they should be, no one complains. And if they lose electricity for a week, no one complains. And if they find random bills tucked into their apartment and jacket pockets whenever Peter's family visits, nobody questions it.

Peter smiles and nods, moving to grab their dishes from the cupboards.

Soon, the table is set and Peter's sitting at his spot, picking at some of the chipping wood on the top, trying to quiet his rumbling tummy.

"Here we are," Wade says, a blush touching his cheeks as he sets down the pancakes. They're chocolate chip and heart-shaped with cut up strawberries surrounding the stack. "Happy Valentine's Day, pumpkin! You thought I'd forget, didn't you?"

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