Mending What's Broken

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There were rules that came with Peter being Spider-Man. Tony never wanted Peter to be suffering alone, so there were rules that Peter had to follow or else he would lose patrol privilege. The rules were easy to follow, just regular things like telling someone if you get injured and if you need to talk, talk. Don't keep things bottled up.

The thing is, Peter isn't Spider-Man. Not now. So, he doesn't feel like it's necessary to mention it to anyone.

It was gym class and Flash was being more of a dick than he normally is. He was pushing and shoving and that's dangerous when you're doing the rope climb. But Peter just ignored him and figured nothing could really go wrong. Not while he was Peter Parker in school.

Unfortunately, it hadn't been as simple as that. One wrong move and Peter was falling.

As soon as he had hit the ground, the pain had exploded through his left arm. Fiery hot pain through his arm and hand and up to his shoulder, plus stinging through his knees and back from the awkward landing.

Peter hadn't even realized he was crying until MJ had dropped to her knees in front of him.

"Shit, Peter. Are you okay? Do you need a nurse? Should I be calling your dad?" MJ questioned, eyes wide with worry.

He sat up, head spinning with the movement and shook his head, ignoring his twisting stomach with the pain and the smell of blood. Though he hadn't been sure what was bleeding.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Flash?!" Ned had shouted, fists balled angrily at his sides as Flash dropped to the floor from the rope.

"We were just playing around. It was an accident." It wasn't. It never was with Flash.

"It wasn't an accident!" Ned shouted. He was never a particularly aggressive person, but he hates it when Peter gets hurt.

"Just leave it, Ned. Please," Peter choked, blood filling his mouth as he spoke. The blood had been coming from a broken nose, the pain from his arm hiding all other pain throughout his body.

Ned surprisingly did as told and hurried over to help Peter to wobbly legs.

"Where are you hurt?" he asks, more gentle this time.

And Peter had lied and told Ned he was fine, despite the pain making his stomach roll and the feeling of his bones crunching with every movement.

He wasn't Spider-Man and it was just a broken arm. Nothing he can't handle.


It's hard for Peter to contain the whines of pain when he wakes up, legs tangled in his sheets, left arm cradled against his chest carefully. Unfortunately, the pain had gotten worse overnight and it's still barely morning.

His dads are already suspicious because he skipped patrol and dinner the night before. Instead, he had taken a full bottle of Advil and went straight to bed, hoping sleep would help alleviate some of the pain.

It doesn't seem to have helped much.

"Mini-Boss, you seem to be in distress," Friday pipes up from the speaker above his bed.

"I'm fine," Peter grits out. He can handle a broken bone. He's broken plenty before and all Bruce gives him are slings are painkillers that rarely work. He doesn't want to have to admit to his dads that he's getting bullied at school. He can't admit that a hero is getting bullied by a stupid kid.

"I've run a scan and you have a broken arm, Mini-Boss. That would not qualify as fine," Friday continues.

"Stop invading my fucking privacy, Friday. I said I'm fine and I am. Don't tell Dad or Pops. Please," Peter pleads pathetically. He wanted to sound tough and angry, but truth be told, he's in a lot of pain and it's making it hard to concentrate.

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