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(Sort of imagining this⬆️??? but also a little bit Jessica Jones ish??)

Requested by: @Rebekah_Winchester15

Iris Parker, Peter's twin sister.

After their parents died, they had been in an orphanage for a week before Ben and May could get custody. They both became inseparable from a young age. It hadn't been easy to be told their parents had died and being put into a new environment. They weren't there for long, but that's where their dependency started. And it just got worse after Uncle Ben died. 

There weren't any secrets between them, including Spider-Man. As soon as Peter found out, he went straight to Iris. May understood and never tried to split up their bond, trying her best to keep them together even after Iris almost got expelled from school. It was for a good reason, she beat up Flash for hurting her brother. The principal checked the tapes and she ended up with a week of in school suspension and two weeks of detention. It was worth it.

After Ben died, May started falling apart. She's always been a tough woman, but with having twins to pay for on a not so great salary, hasn't been easy. Especially since she found out about Spider-Man. May spends her days at work and normally her nights with guys. When she's home, the only thing she cares about is Peter. About her poor superhero. And sure, it hurts Iris, but she'd never admit it. Her and Peter are basically on their own most of the time. All May provides are paychecks and groceries. She's not a mother to them.

Through everything, they always had each other's backs. They protected each other where and when it mattered most. They're best friends.

Iris and Peter aren't identical, but they're close enough that nobody could ever mistake them for anything other than family.

Iris has curly brown hair, falling to just above her shoulders, but can add a good few inches whenever straightened. Peter sometimes French braids it after she washes it before it has time to curl. (Peter learned how to french braid before he learned how to tie his own shoes.) She has matching doe eyes to Peter's, able to pull off the puppy-dog eyes just as well as Peter can. She's shorter than Peter, which has made a lot of arguments between them and way too much teasing.

They're both insanely smart, both got the smarts from their parents. And their morals are pretty similar.

The biggest difference is their personalities. Peter wears his heart on his sleeve. Iris is insanely guarded, walls built to try to protect herself from getting hurt any more than she already has been. She's not afraid to speak her mind and acts like she's some confident bitch.

The only person she'll let her walls down for is Peter.

It happens more often than not that Peter will get home from patrol and Iris will patch him up. She's gotten insanely good at being a medic.

They're just co-dependent and even Tony's understood. Since Peter's internship started with Tony, a real one, Iris has been invited to join it. She was smart enough to keep up, easily plus Peter didn't want to leave her out from the opportunity. Tony didn't care, enjoyed it actually. Because Iris was like a mixture of Peter and himself.

The only issue that ever comes up is the jealousy on Iris's part. Sometimes she gets jealous because Peter's the superhero. He's the one who makes the news and who May fusses over and who Tony watches like a hawk. He's the one who everyone cares about more than her. She's come to terms with it though. There's nothing she can do to change it, so she tucks the feelings aside like they mean nothing to her.


"Peter? I'm home!" Iris calls, tossing her bag onto the couch and walking into the kitchen in search of a snack.

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