Chapter 12: It wasn't supposed to do thaaaaaaat !!

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

Your POV:

And here I though that boat looked quite empty and boring, it's way more lively with the corpse of a sailor hanging from a hook going through his neck. But it's looks like no one agree with that, in fact, this include me as well.

Sailor*1: No... No one touched it ! No one touched the controller, but the hook moved !!

Sailor*2: The hook killed him by itself ! What's going on ?

Joseph: 'Be careful, there may be stand users.'

'It was a hunch, but now it's a certainty: This boat is not here to save us...'

Joseph: 'It's going to kill us all ! How many enemies are there ? One ? Or a lot more ?'

Joseph: 'anyone see any stands ?'

Polnareff: 'No...'

Abdul: 'I'm sorry, I was the closest to the hook and didn't see anything.'

Jotaro: '...'

Kakyoin: 'Let my stand find him, [HIEROPHANT GREEN] '

After being summoned, Hierophant immediately snuck into a vent, searching for the user, and eventually the stand.

Meanwhile, Anne was hiding in the room where the monkey as, seemingly scared of what's happening, and growing quite wary of us.

Anne: I have no idea what's going on...

Anne: ...But I'm pretty sure these things happen because of you people.

'Well, she's not entirely wrong...'

This caught our attention, and Mr.Joestar decided to take matter in hands, to prevent anyone else from dying a painful death.

Joseph: No one touch anything ! Anything electronic, just leave it alone.

It's useless to say that the sailors weren't exactly glad with him giving them orders about what to do on a boat.

Sailor*1: What is he talking about ?

Sailor*2:: He's talking senseless. We know a lot more about ships and the sea, so just stay out of the way, you old fool.

Sailor*3: We have to look at what the problem is.

Joseph: Obey me if you want to live ! Don't go near any machines !

Joseph: Stay in the deck below until I say it's okay to come up.

He then crouched to Anne's level, to reassure her.

Joseph: I can tell you this: We are your friends.

Joseph: Alright everyone, let' split up.

Abdul: We have to find the enemy before dark, night time will be a disadvantage for us.

Anne's POV:

They just got away, and I was about to leave too, when something grabbed my attention. Turning around, I saw the monkey, still in his cage, but he was tapping the lock, like he was asking me to open the cage.

"You want me to open your lock ?"

"I can't, I don't know where the key is, and the lock I kinda big."

The seventh crusader (Stardust Crusaders x Male reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα