Chapter 13: The cameo of the devil.

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

* *: Narrator/voice-off

Your POV:

I was just trying to dry myself after my little "incident" with that damn monkey and his ship, as said boat was quickly shrinking back to his original state.

Anne: Unbelievable, the ship doesn't look anything like it was before. That small old ship is the one we were on just awhile ago ?

Abdul: It is hard to believe... That monkey came here on it's own stand all the way across the sea.

Abdul: It was strong. It's the first time I've ever seen something like this.

Joseph: We were completely beaten. If it hadn't been for Jotaro and Y/n, we'd be dead for sure.

Joseph: Will we meet other stand users that are at least as strong as this one ?

The others doesn't looked so concerned about his concern, as Kakyoin was busy fixing his hair, and Jotaro was trying to lit a cigarette.

Polnareff: Anyone want a piece of gum ?

"I just want one thing right now, and it's a bath..." I said removing some seaweed from my hair.

"Are we just gonna float around until we reach Singapore ?"

Jotaro: Dammit, my cigarettes are wet.

Abdul: We'll get lots of sun and time to dry them, Jojo.

Joseph: We can only pray we make it to Singapore safely. It's been four days since we left Japan.

Timeskip brought to you by Anne telling everyone what happened on the boat.

*A long time ago, the Prince of Sumatra set sail to find new territories to rule. On his voyage, he found an island where a whit lion lived. The prince named the island "Singapura", a country where all the ships of the world come and go, a country created by free trade, a multicultural country blended with the east and the west... Singapore !*

Well, I'm pretty sure this is an amazing country, but sadly we don't have time to visit, and the fact that no one in this group could look at me while keeping a straight face was slowly getting on my nerves.

"I already told you guys, it was an accident !"

Polnareff: Yeah, of*pfrrr* of course, an accident *pfrrr*.

I'm pretty sure he would've burst in laughter for like, the seventh time already, if it wasn't for the policeman that called him from behind.

Cop: Hey you, wait a second !

Distracted from me, and quite confused, Polnareff listened.

Cop: You threw garbage on the ground. I am going to fine you $500 ! According to our law, you must pay the fine immediately ! Don't you know ?

He pointed to the ground, where the garbage was supposed to be, but the only visible thing was actually... Polnareff' luggage.

Polnareff: Garbage ?? What are you talking about ?

Everyone else was struggling to not laugh, but no doubt that we're gonna fail.

Polnareff: I don't see anything other than my luggage. Which one is the garbage ? You mind telling me ?

Cop: Eh ?!

Polnareff: So where is the garbage, my man ?

Cop: Th... That's your luggage ? I'm sorry...

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