Chapter 18: This can't be...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

* *: Narrator/voice-off

Your POV:

They were facing us, our two enemies... Wait a second, two ? Where did the second went ? I just blinked, and he was gone !

Polnareff: Which one ? Who is it ?

The old man who told him about them seemed just as confused as I was.

Old man: That's odd... One person is missing, he was there a minute ago.

The one who stayed here, the one who looked american, stood before us, a cocky grin on his face, but it was obvious he wasn't the one Polnareff was looking for, as he had a left hand.

Yankee: Guns are stronger than swords. This is very true.

"What ?"

Polnareff: What is this ? Who are you ?

Hol horse: Hol Horse, that is my name. I am the user of the stand named after the "Emperor" card. Dio paid me to get rid of you.

"Looks like I was right, they were looking for us too."

Polnareff: hey dumbass, there's no need for introductions. Do you know a man with two right hands ?

Hol Horse: You are very cocky. Fine, I'll answer you . I came with him. He's here, somewhere.

Polnareff: Where ?! Who is it ?!

Hol Horse: That I don't need to tell you, because I'm going to kill you both.

"I'm positive I saw him sooner before he disappeared. Whatever you do Polnareff, stay away from anything that can act as a mirror."

Polnareff gained his confidence back, ant to me, it was like watching a "who-will-be-the-more-cocky" competition.

Polnareff: Garbage like you always say things like that before I beat them.

Hol horse: Heh heh...

Polnareff: You find that funny ?

Hol Horse: Dio said to me "Polnareff always underestimates people. It will be easy for you to beat him." Guess he was right, that's why I laughed. Ha !

"You know the worst part about this ? He's right. You tend to charge the enemy without really thinking."

Polnareff got triggered.

Polnareff: Well if I can't get my man unless I beat you, let's go !

Polnareff: Y/n, stay out of my way, this is my fight.

Hol Horse: In a war, tanks are stronger than infantry, but not mines. That's the rules. My "Emperor" is stronger than you.

Hol Horse: So I am telling you before we begin, my stand's ability... Guns are stronger than swords, that is a fact.

Polnareff: You mind cutting the crap ?

Hol Horse: My stand is a gun. A sword can't beat a pistol.

Polnareff: Eh ? What was that ? You beat your pistol ? What ?

They both burst in laughter while I just stood there, looking at them ang giving the "Are you serious ?" face.

They calmed down as fast as they started laughing, and both prepared to attack.

Hol Horse: You fucking asshole !!!

The seventh crusader (Stardust Crusaders x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now