LevixNervous!Reader ~ I'll be there

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(Y/N)'s POV

My hand shook as I brushed my horse in the stables. She seemed to sense my nervousness so she nuzzled her head on my shoulder. I sighed and continued to stroke her. Why am I so nervous? Easy. It's my first expedition. I'm also on Captain's Levi's squad. I really want to impress him. He's Humanity's Strongest Soldier, after all.

I sighed and put my brush back. "What are you doing, cadet?" A stoic voice said from behind me. "It's almost time to go." I turned around and guess who was there. Captain Humanity's Strongest Solider Levi.

"I-I'm sorry, sir!" I stuttered nervously and saluted him. "I-I was just getting my horse ready."

"Cut it." He said. I looked at him confused. "I've seen this on many cadets before. You're nervous about the expedition, aren't you?"

"I... just don't want to die, sir." I said, unable to make eye contact. "I want to help save humanity. I don't want to be like cattle."

"But you graduated top of your class." He said. "You've only been here a few months and you're already in my squad. I think you're ready."

"But sir, anything can happen out there. Those things a hundred times stronger than us."

"But we're smarter." He stepped closer to me. "And if anythings does happen, I'll be there." I blushed and looked away.

"T-Thank you, sir." I stuttered. He ruffled my hair and walked away.

"We're leaving soon, you better get ready." He said.

"Yes sir!" I saluted even though he couldn't see it and got on my horse. Alright, (Y/N), you got this. For Levi. WAIT WHAT?! No no no no, now is not the time to be catching feelings. Still though...

Time skip

"Captain, abnormal on the right!" Eld yelled as we rode through the field.

"(L/N), take it out." The captain ordered. I looked at him in shock. Sure I helped at the fall of Trost, but we had more buildings and such to attach to.

"M-Me sir?" I asked.

"Yes you. Now go!" He ordered again. I took a deep breath and aimed my hooks to the titan. I flew around the titan, managing to cut off a hand that tried to grab me. I aimed my hooks to its nape and swiftly cut through it, successfully killing it.

I smiled at my victory as the titan fell to the ground. My horse came running up to me and I hopped on. We continued riding until we had to split up in the forest. I went with the captain to go to Commander Erwin. "Good job out there, brat." Captain Levi suddenly said. I felt my cheeks heat up again.

"T-Thank you, sir." I said. He suddenly stopped on a tree branch and so I did the same. "Sir?" I asked, confused.

"Levi." He said. "Call me Levi." Levi... why?

"Okay... Levi." I tested the name out. "Thank you for earlier today in the stables. It really helped me out." He looked slightly away and I'm pretty sure I could see a tiny hint of pink on his cheeks.

"I-It was no problem." He stuttered. Oh my walls the captain just stuttered. "I knew you had it in you, though."

"Well thank you still." I smiled at him. He gave me a tiny smile back before saying we should go. I followed him to where Commander Erwin is, knowing that as long as he was there with me, I'd be fine.

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