Professional Pianist!LevixProfessional Violnist!Reader ~ Harmony

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Modern AU

(Y/N)'s POV

I nervously paced around backstage as the minutes quickly counted down until my turn on stage. This is a national competition! Why'd my accompanist have to quit now?!

I leaned against the wall with my violin gripped tightly in my hand. What am I gonna do? If I win this, I may get to go overseas.

I closed my eyes and held back my tears as I started to hear a soft music from down the hall. A piano... but no violin... This is a violin competition.

I straightened myself up and walked down the hall. Peaking in the room that the music came from, I saw one of the most famous piano players in the country. That's Levi Ackerman! What's he doing here?!

I stood outside the doorway until he finished. Taking a deep breath, I walked into the room and clapped. "That was amazing, Mr. Ackerman." I said in amazement. He looked at me in slight surprise.

"I know you." He said in a monotone voice.

"R-Really?" I blushed.

"You've gone against the girl I usually accompany for quite a lot." He said. "She woke up sick this morning, and didn't bother telling me until after I got here." He shook his head. "But I saw this beautiful piano and couldn't resist giving it a play."

"I understand." I chuckled. "My accompanist quit today. She apparently found something new." I stared at the ground in silence.

"I..." He started. "I could play for you, if you want."

"Really?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah." He covered his ear.

"Thank you so much! It's such an honor, Mr. Ackerman!"

"Levi." He said.


"It's Levi." He repeated. "Now let's practice. You're up soon, right?"

"Oh, right!"

Time skip

After just a few minutes, Levi had perfected the song. Even so, he was allowed to have the sheet music with him. Now I nervously walked alongside him as we made our way to the stage. "Calm down. You'll just mess up if you don't." He whispered.

"Right." I nodded my head.

We finally made it to stage and bowed to the audience. Levi took his place at the piano as I took a deep breath and picked up my bow.

I slowly placed it on my violin and pulled it across. I slowly got faster as Levi's piano came into the music. We were totally in sync. It sounded beautiful.

I almost forgot that we were in the middle of a national competition. It's just like everything faded and it was just me and him, playing in complete harmony.

I finally came back to reality as I breathed heavily, finishing the last note. The crowd sat in shock before erupting into applause and cheers. Levi came to stand by me for our final bow. I grabbed his hand and whispered a "thank you" to him. He slightly smiled and squeezed my hand back. We bowed and walked off the stage together, hand-in-hand.

We ended up winning that competition by a landslide. From then on we decided to start playing with each other and make a name for ourselves. Slowly but surely mutual feelings started arising in us.

From that single encounter at that one competition, I met my all. My everything. I met Levi, and he was my harmony.

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