LevixSick!Reader ~ Stronger

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Come on, (Y/N)! You're such a slow poke!" Eren yelled as he ran in front of me.

"I'm trying!" I yelled back before sneezing again. The past couple days I haven't felt the best. My head and throat feel so congested. I'm also definitely running a fever, so I'm super hot and not thinking that straight.

"Hey, (Y/N), you okay?" Christa ran up beside me.

"Yeah, I'm just not that fast." I lied and chuckled, bringing on another coughing fit.

"Are you sure? You're kind of re-" Christa's voice slowly drowned out of my mind as my vision was clouded with black spots. I guess my body couldn't handle training anymore and gave up, causing me to fall to the ground and black out.

Levi's POV

"CAPTAIN!" A high-pitched voice ruined my afternoon tea time. I looked to see a blonde cadet girl sprinting over to me. Christa, I think her name is?

"What?" I grumbled.

"(Y/N)! She, uh, passed out while running. I don't know what's wrong, sir!" She exclaimed. I huffed and hurried over to where all the other cadets were gathered around (Y/N) laying on the ground. Her face was slightly red but also pale. I put the back of my hand on her sweaty forehead.

"How did none of you notice she had a fever?!" I yelled at the useless cadets before picking (Y/N)'s up and carrying her into HQ. "Hanji!" I kicked open the crazy scientist's door. "I think she's sick, can you do something?"

"Aw, my poor baby." She took (Y/N) from my arms and laid her on a bed.

"Are you close to her or something?" I asked.

"Fairly." She shrugged before smirking at me. "And I know you are, too."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes before walking out of the room. It was true that (Y/N) and I were pretty close. She was one of the less annoying cadets and could actually clean properly. Not to mention how beautiful she is. It hurt me to see her in pain like today.

Time skip

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up to the feeling of something very cold being placed on my forehead. I opened my tired eyes to find myself in Hanji's lab. Outside it was already dark. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I heard a familiar voice. I turned to see Captain Levi.

"S-Sir!" I sat up to salute but a throbbing headache pushed me back down.

"Take it easy." He looked at me in concern. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick? I wouldn't have made you run so much."

"Well, I just want to become stronger." I told him honestly. "Like you."

"(Y/N)." He placed his hand on top of mine. His cold hands felt so nice to my burning body. "Strength includes taking care of yourself and pacing yourself. It doesn't just happen overnight."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I chuckled. "Thank you, Captain."

"Levi." He said.

"What?" I asked and he smiled slightly.

"It's Levi to you."

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