LevixFictional Character!Reader ~ My Favorite Character

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Modern AU

Levi's POV

She... what?! I accidentally flipped to the last page of my book and got a spoiler. The main character, my favorite character, DIES. How can the author do that?! It's like that Hajime Isayama guy I keep hearing about...

"Ughhh..." I threw the book down and laid back on my bed. My life hasn't exactly been the best, and books have always kind of been my escape from reality. This book, in particular, was practically calling my name. It took place in a dystopian world. The main character, (Y/N), was my favorite. She was so brave, strong and, from her description, so beautiful.

Is it weird to crush on a fictional character? Who cares, you do you. I closed my eyes and thought of many alternate solutions to the end of the story. It can't end with (Y/N) dying. It just can't.

I guess I was deep-thinking too long and eventually fell asleep.

Time skip

I knit my eyebrows together in confusion as I slowly came back to consciousness. I could feel warm air on my face. Slowly I opened my eyes to be met with big (E/C) ones. "How'd you get in here?!" I shoved the person away and looked for my gun.

"I-I'm sorry! I don't know!" They said quickly and nervously. I found my pistol and aimed it at them. A woman, specifically. In a very familiar outfit.

"Who are you?" I asked cautiously.

"(Y/N)... (Y/N) (L/N)." She answered. My heart skipped a beat out of shock and I slowly lowered my gun. "Please don't hurt me. I don't know what happened or how I got here. I was just laying beside that book." I could do nothing but stare at her. "Are you okay?"

"Give me a second." I put my gun away and rushed to the bathroom, splashing some cold water onto my face. This is crazy... She's here?! No, she can't be...

I peaked out the door to see her peering at my TV. "This is a weird-looking mirror." She noticed me.

"That's... never-mind." I shook my head.

"So, can you please tell me where I am?" She chuckled.

"Well, you're still on Earth, the year's just 2020." I tried to search for the right words. "In this time, you're a fictional character in that book."

"Okay..." She tried to take it all in. "What's your name?"

"Levi." I answered.

"Levi... that's nice." She smiled. My heart skipped a beat again and I blushed. "I'm sorry, are you sick?" She rushed over and put her hand to my forehead.

"No, no, I'm okay." I grabbed her hand off my forehead and just held it. She really is here...

"My friends! I have to get back, we have a battle soon!" She suddenly started freaking out.

"Hey, calm down, we'll find a way to get you back to your world." I said, sort of disappointed. She's right. Her world needs her. Even if it's just fictional, it's obviously not fictional to her. But then she'll die... "But until then you can stay here."

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother."

"I'm sure." I let a small smile slip from my lips. I can't let her know that that battle will be her last... not yet. "Anyways, are you hungry?"

"A little." She shrugged. I motioned for her to follow me down to the kitchen. The whole time she stared in amazement at all of our modern appliances.

"That 'mirror' is a television. You can watch movies which are basically recordings of people acting." I explained. "Usually books like yours get turned into movies."

"Yeah, about that..." She chuckled. "Can you tell me a little about my book?"

"Well, it basically just tells about your life in your world, including your friends and battles." I said. "You're the main character."

"O-Oh, that's kind of embarrassing..." She blushed. She's so cute...

I chuckled and cut up some fruit for the both of us. I spent the whole day explaining various things like cars and electronics to her. We even took a walk around the neighborhood where she got spooked by a dog. Who thought that such a brave, strong protagonist would be scared of a little puppy? Well her world is so bad off I'm not surprised she hasn't been exposed to such "normal" things like pets.

It was nice having her around, though. We were pretty alike actually. We've both been through a lot, but we've made it through. I just still couldn't believe that this was all happening.

That night I cooked us both some pasta and showed her how to use the shower. I gave her some sweatpants and a hoodie to wear. She looked absolutely adorable.

She tried to refuse, but I let her sleep in my bed while I slept on the couch, taking her book with me. I trust her, of course, but I don't want her to discover her untimely fate in the wrong way by herself.

Time skip

I groaned as I was once again awoken by someone. Or rather, multiple someones. I slowly opened my eyes to find a whole group of people wearing the same outfit as (Y/N) and a horse.

"Hey, you're awake!" A woman with brown hair and glasses noticed me.

"Hanji, calm down." A blonde man with huge eyebrows said. Hanji... I looked around at the group and down to the book laying on the floor.

"Hanji... Erwin... Eren... Mikasa... Armin... and a horse?" I identified all of them.

"Oh, this is Jean-boy." Armin petted the horse.

"What are you guys doing here?!" (Y/N) excitedly ran down the stairs.

"We were wondering that, too." Mikasa said.

"You have an interesting haircut..." Hanji poked at my hair. I rolled my eyes and pushed her hand off of me. She's always been my least favorite character... So annoying...

I sighed and explained the same thing to the new group as I had explained to (Y/N) the day before. "But, Levi..." Armin spoke up, reading the book. Uh oh. "Here, (Y/N) dies... We all do..."

"Levi, what?" (Y/N) asked quietly. "Why didn't you tell me that, Levi?"

"I didn't know how." I answered honestly.

"What if... we don't have to go back?" Eren suddenly asked, shocking all of us.

"But we need to be there to protect the others." Mikasa pointed out.

"Yeah, but if we just die, then what's the point?" Eren said.

"Wait, if it's already written that we die, why aren't we dead right now?" Armin asked.

"Because of Levi!" (Y/N) exclaimed. "He knows we die, but he hasn't actually read all the way to that part yet. As long as he doesn't, we're fine." The room was filled with excited chatter at the possibility of finally leaving their horrible world. "Hold on, you guys." (Y/N) said. "We can't just expect Levi to take care of all of us. This is just as much a surprise to him as it is to us."

"You're right..." Erwin agreed.

"I can help you guys get on your feet." I quietly offered. I may be a jerk sometimes, but I can't just leave them in an unfamiliar world like this. I can't leave her.

"Really?! Thank you, Levi!" (Y/N) hugged me tightly as the room cheered. I cracked a small smile as I wrapped my arms around her, too.

"No problem."

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