Yandere!LevixReaderxYandere!Petra ~ Safe

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(I'm not a fan of Petra being a snobby brat in fanfics, so let's just say she's so crazy in love with Levi.)


Levi's POV

"Oi, Four-eyes." I walked uninvited into Hanji's lab. "Where's my girlfriend?"

"I don't know, I think she was hanging out with her friends." She said. I rolled my eyes. "Levi you've been acting a bit odd lately, is everything okay?"

"Tch, everything's FINE." I turned on my heel and walked out of the room.

"Hey, Captain." A cheery voice greeted me. I turned around to see Petra.

"Hi." I said and kept walking.

"Where are you going?"

"None of your business." I sped up my walk and left her alone. I eventually came out of HQ to find (Y/N) and the 104th down by the river.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" That Jaeger brat said. He gathered water in his hands and splashed it on (Y/N). That little-

"Eren!" (Y/N) playfully whined and splashed water back to him. Soon everybody was involved in a splash battle. By the time it was done, (Y/N) was nearly soaked. Ugh, she's so cute.

"Hey, (Y/N)~" Horseface then walked up to her and put his arm around her shoulders. Tch, she's not yours to touch. "You should really forget the captain. I've been here all this time, ya know."


"KIRCHSTEIN!" I finally snapped. I stomped over to them as he cowered in fear. I grabbed him by the collar and glared at him. "(Y/N) is mine and there's nothing you can do about it. Now go clean the whole HQ before I make sure you'll never have children." He quickly nodded and ran off. I then trudged over to (Y/N) and threw her over my shoulder. At the moment I really didn't care about getting wet.

"Hey, Levi!"

"You're coming with me." I grumbled and went back to my office.

"What's wrong?" I sat her on my desk.

"Those boys were all over you!"

"No? We were just playing around."

"Then what about Kirchstein?"

"That's just the way he is, you know that." She said. "Levi you know you're the only one that I want."

"Really?" I gave her slight puppy-dog eyes.

"Yes, you grump." She chuckled. I better be.

Petra's POV

I watched in envy Levi and (Y/N) together at the superiors' dinner table. Why does she get him?! What does she have that I don't?! "Petra, you good?" Eld snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Perfect." I smiled to myself, a thought coming to mind. There's an expedition coming up... (Y/N), you better watch your back.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Just please promise me you'll come back safe." Levi held onto me before the expedition.

"I will, Levi." I sighed and pulled back from him. We readied our horses and got ready to start the expedition. To be honest, I didn't have a good feeling about this expedition, but all we can do is hope for the best.

Time skip

This isn't good... I can't see a thing! We've all been separated and a thunderstorm has made visibility very low. I finally found a tree and stopped my horse under it. What are we gonna do?

I slightly jumped when I heard footsteps behind me. "Who's there?" I asked, hoping it was one of my comrades. The person got closer and I saw it was Petra. She was walking slowly with her head down. "Petra you scared me." I chuckled.

"You know, (Y/N)..." She started. "I used to love being around you... You were my best friend..."

"Are you okay?" I asked, a bit confused. She's not acting like her normal self...

"Oh I will be... once I get rid of you!" She pulled out a knife from behind her back and charged at me. I barely had any time to respond. Suddenly, however, I heard 3DMG close by. Someone swooped in and came towards Petra. It took me a second to realized what had happened. They had slit her throat.

"PETRA!" I screamed and tried to run over to her. The person grabbed me, though, and strongly held me next to them. I struggled against their grip.

"Hey now... it's okay..." Levi?! "It's all going to be okay..."

"You killed her!"

"She was going to kill you." He said. I leaned my head onto his chest and started crying. "I'll do anything to protect you. Anything and everything." Something seemed off in his voice, but my heart was hurting too much to care.

"Thank you..." I sniffled.

"You'll always be safe with me." He stroked my head and I could feel him smile a little. "Just stay by my side, and I'll protect you." I nodded and hugged him even closer. Okay, Levi.

Levi x Reader One-shots (Requests Closed!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ