Ignored!LevixReader ~ Notice me

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Modern AU

(Y/N)'s POV

"Hanji that's mean." I whined.

"You picked dare so you have to do it." Hanji said. "That's how the game works."

"Ughhh." I groaned. How am I supposed to ignore my boyfriend for 24 hours?! "Fine, but just for tomorrow."

"Yay!" She cheered.

Time skip

The next day I sat on my couch in my apartment playing on my phone while some random show played on TV. Levi was already supposed to come over so I unlocked the door. To be honest, I was dreading it. I mean, he's such a softie, how can I do that to him?

"Good morning, love." He eventually came into the room and kissed my temple. I continued staring at my phone trying not to blush from the kiss. "Sweetheart?" I could sense his confusion. "(Y/N)?" I sighed and laid down on the couch.

"Hello?" He moved right in front of me. I nearly laughed as he looked like a lost puppy. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea. "Tch, brat." He sat down beside me and watched the TV.

After about five minutes he turned his attention back to me. He poked my stomach where he knows I'm ticklish and closely watched my face for a reaction. "Hmm." He hummed to himself after getting nothing back. "Are you mad at me?" He asked. "Baby please tell me if I did something." Why does he have to make this so hard? "I'm sorry." He pleaded.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. I got up and went to the kitchen to get a snack. He followed behind me and watched my every move. I grabbed a bag of his favorite chips and sat down at the table. He slowly reached toward the open bag but I put it in my lap. He narrowed his eyes at me before quickly snatching a chip and eating it in irritation.

Time skip

Throughout the day I completely ignored Levi as if he were invisible. He tried almost everything to get my attention. It was sad but kind of funny watching him. I took a stroll outside and acted normally with everyone else. My antisocial boyfriend even stopped some strangers asking if anything was wrong with him.

Finally at night I settled back down in the living room and put on a movie. He sat with his arms crossed staring at me. Finally he fell over and laid his head on my lap. "Notice me." He whispered.

"What?" I finally cracked.

"What?" He seemed surprised. We stared at each other for a few seconds before I burst out laughing. "I'm so confused." He said.

"Hanji dared me to ignore you for twenty-four hours." I laughed.

"I should have known." He grumbled.

"I'm sorry." I crawled into his lap.

"Whatever." He wrapped his arms around me. "I love you." He grumbled.

"Aww, I love you, too." I laughed.

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