LevixEmotionless!Reader ~ Awakening

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(How many of you guys does the picture above represent right now?😅)


Modern AU

(Y/N)'s POV

I reluctantly trudged down the school hallway as I pulled my hoodie up to my face. It's already winter, why can't they turn the heat on? I made it to my homeroom before I ran into someone's back.

"Watch where you're going, you useless brat." Someone grumbled. I looked up to see the cold eyes of the most popular guy in school, Levi Ackerman.

"Sorry." I mumbled and squeezed past him. I took my seat at the back of the class and pulled out my books.

Time skip

After several torturous hours, school finally ended. I put on my second jacket and headed for the school entrance. I don't live super far away, so I always just walk to school.

Standing there I saw the guy from earlier tightening his coat and getting his car keys out. He took notice of me and I averted my gaze. I walked on through the doors and across the parking lot.

"Hey!" A voice called out. I turned around to see Levi. "What are you doing?"

"Walking." I stated.

"It's like 40 degrees out here."

"It doesn't matter." He seemed to be struggling with himself before he sighed.

"I'll drive you." He said.


"I'll drive you." He repeated. I rolled my eyes and followed him to his car. I could have been home by now.

I gave him my address and the car was filled with silence, only the radio playing softly in the background. I didn't think he'd like classical music...

Within a few minutes, we arrived at my house. "Thanks." I said and grabbed my stuff. I shut the door and made my way up the crackly walkway.

Walking in, the house had its normal dreary atmosphere. It was only me and my dad. My mom passed away about a few years ago and I don't have much other family. My dad works a lot but he genuinely cares about me and tries to spend time with me when he can.

I just felt really alone in life, so I decided to kind of turn my emotions off and live life by myself. I mean, if I already feel alone, it's not that much of a difference, right? School? Yeah, no friends there either. I'm gonna graduate next year, so what's the point?

I sighed and went up to my room, getting started on homework. Hours passed and it quickly grew dark outside. Dad still isn't home yet... I got a hot shower and went straight to bed, I wasn't really hungry for dinner. This is normally how my days go.

Levi's POV

Something about that girl has me feeling weird. Almost like nostalgia. She seemed really depressed and content with that. Almost emotionless. Like I used to be...

I know I'm still not the best at showing my emotions, but I've come a long way. I sighed and tried to fall back asleep. However, my insomnia had different plans.

I have to help her.

(Y/N)'s POV

The next day I stood at my locker getting all my necessary books together. "Hey." I voice said. I peaked from behind my locker door and saw Levi. I held eye contact for a couple seconds before continuing what I was doing. "How are you?" He sounded like he wasn't used to his own words.

"Fine." I mumbled and turned around, heading to homeroom.

"You know the fair coming up-" He followed me.

"Leave me alone." I walked into the classroom and headed to my seat. I didn't want to sound rude, but I don't want him around me. I don't want anyone around me. I can't get close to anyone again. I can't feel the things I've felt again. I just can't.

Time skip

Over the past couple weeks, Levi hasn't stopped bothering me. He keeps offering to drive me home or have study sessions. I usually decline, wishing just to be by myself. However, he's persistent.

To be honest, I did appreciate the effort he was putting in. I didn't know why he was trying so hard to get to know me, though. He's just gonna leave me like everyone else. Why would the most popular guy in school hang out with someone like me without a trick up his sleeve?

I put my headphones in my ears and turned them nearly all the way up. I was walking home intending to try and enjoy the weekend before a hand came on my shoulder. I didn't even turn around to see who it was. "Go away." I said.

"Nope." Levi took the headphones out of my ears. "Come on." He tugged on my sleeve.

"No." I pulled away.

"Please?" He said.





"No!" I pushed him away and tried to continue on my way home. However, I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and pick me up. "Levi! Put me down!" I slapped his head.

"Nope." He carried me to his car. The heat immediately warmed me and I lost my will to fight back.

"Just take me home then." I looked out the window.

"Okay." He said. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples, feeling a slight headache come on. Why does he always have to be so annoying?

I eventually lost track of my thoughts and the time as I realized that we had been driving for nearly twenty minutes. I quickly sat up and looked around. We were at the stupid fair. "Levi, I want to go home." I said.

"I already bought the tickets." He pulled two colorful tickets out of his pocket. I sighed and reluctantly followed him to the fair's entrance. We went through and walked around the stands. There were a whole lot of noisy brats running around and annoying ride announcers.

Levi bought us both some cotton candy which I have to say was pretty delicious. I eventually gave in and talked to him a little. There was a little spark of some sort forming in the middle of my chest but for some reason, I didn't mind it. It was almost like comfort and acceptance. And love.

As it grew darker and colder, we eventually sat down on a bench in front of the farris wheel. This idiot got me to smile...

We sat in silence for a few minutes before I felt a cold hand hold mine. I looked over to see Levi looking deeply into my eyes. "It gets better, you know." He said sincerely. Those five little words was all it took for all the tears and emotions from the past seventeen years of my life to come rushing in. He held me in his arms as I sobbed and apologized over and over for being such a jerk. "Hey now, it's okay." He rubbed my back.

"Thank you..." I choked out. How can I ever thank him enough? "Thank you... Thank you..."

Levi x Reader One-shots (Requests Closed!)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora