LevixFairy!Reader ~ See you soon (Part 2)

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Levi's POV

About a week after the expedition, (Y/N) somehow found her way to the Survey Corps. She would fly up to my window almost every night and tap on it until I let her in. We would talk about our day and how things were going. She learned my past and I learned hers. To be honest, it was nice having someone to talk to like this. To be honest, I may be developing feelings for the gorgeous girl.

Sometimes she'd transform to life-size but usually she stayed in her original size so no one would hear us. Who knows what the government would do if they found our that fairies actually existed.

Sometimes when my insomnia was acting up and everyone else was asleep, we'd walk outside around HQ and training grounds. That's actually what we were doing tonight. "And then Eyebrows was all like, 'Levi you can't just beat the cadets up for no reason.' He's ridiculous." I rolled my eyes.

"Well he does have a point." (Y/N) giggled, flying beside me. "Hey, Levi, how would you feel about coming to meet all the other fairies?"

"I would love to." I admitted. "However, it'd have to be on an expedition, it's too dangerous to go there alone. And even then, I'll have to focus on the mission."

"We'll protect you, though." She said. "Pleaseee?"

"We'll see." I chuckled. I looked up at the night sky to see all the stars out. It was beautiful. "Hey, (Y/N)-"

"Got her!" I was cut off as Hanji jumped around a corner with a small bag in her hand. She captured (Y/N) in it and tied it shut.

"Hanji! What are you doing?!" I angrily reached for the bag.

"Levi this is amazing! Imagine all the experiments I can do!" She drooled. (Y/N) suddenly went life-size and broke through the bag, flying up into the air. "Moblit!" Moblit came out behind Hanji with a gun pointed at (Y/N) the same second something hard hit my head, knocking me out.

Time skip

I groaned as I slowly regained consciousness, rubbing my head. I opened my eyes to find myself in my bedroom. All the memories from the night before rushed back and I ran to Hanji's lab. "Where is she, Four-eyes?!" I lifted her up by her collar.

"Who?" She asked.

"(Y/N)! The fairy!"

"Oh, right, her." She nervously scratched her head. "We had to give her to the government. There'll be a court trial soon to determine what we should do with her and her kind."

"Tch." I threw her on the ground and stomped back to my room, slamming the door shut. This just didn't feel the same way anymore without her here. I'm coming for you, (Y/N). I'll see you soon.

Time skip

The day of (Y/N)'s court trial finally came. Today would decide what should be done to her. I stood beside Erwin and Hanji with my arms crossed, glaring at Hanji. It was her fault (Y/N) was in this situation in the first place. Her and her stupid experiments. "Calm down, Shorty. It's not like you have feelings for the cutie." She smirked. I felt my cheeks heat up a bit and looked away. I heard Erwin smirk so I stomped down on his foot.

Finally the doors opened and two Military Police basically dragged (Y/N) in. She was covered in blood and bruises, obviously tortured. Her wings were completely restrained and she looked absolutely exhausted. My heart nearly broke at seeing her like that.

They cuffed her to the pole and she leaned against the chains. She had obviously given up the fight long ago. "Let's get this started." Zackley came into the room and went over all the information they could get out of her. "Now we are here to decide what should be done to Ms. (Y/N) here."

"I have a suggestion, sir." Nile raised his hand. "I suggest that (Y/N) be handed over to the Military Police so we can find out more about her kind and other creatures and how to get rid of them. They have these so called 'powers' and I feel that these things are not safe in any kind of way." By now I was ready to jump over this banister and sock him but Erwin held me back.

"I, too, have a suggestion." Erwin said. "(Y/N) here has admitted to helping the Survey Corps countless times on expeditions. The fairies may even be the reason we survived at all. Also, these 'powers' could be very beneficial to us. (Y/N), for example, has the power to heal. She could save even more lives. My suggestion is that she be handed over to the Survey Corps to help humanity gain their victory."

Zackley thought about for a minute before standing up. "I have made my decision." He said. "(Y/N) and possibly all other fairies who want to will be allowed to join the Survey Corps as useful soldiers for humanity."

I breathed a sigh of relief and (Y/N) was led outside the court room. I quickly made my way around all the people and outside. There she was now free from any cuffs or chains. I quickly ran up to her and engulfed her in my arms, trying not to hurt her even more.

"Levi." She hugged me back and cried. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you, too." I pulled back and looked into her watery eyes. "But it's okay now. You're safe."

"Thank you." She smiled and kissed my lips. It took me a few seconds to register what was happening before I kissed her back. Her lips were so sweet. "Let's go home, shall we?"

"Yeah, let's go home." I grabbed her hand and we proudly walked out of the courthouse.

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