LevixInsecure!Reader ~ Perfect

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(Y/N)'s POV

So gross, I thought to myself as I examined my imperfect skin in the mirror. Every day whenever I got ready to go out or ready to go to bed, my mind would plague me with every single thing wrong with myself.

I mean, it was pretty obvious. My hair wasn't as beautiful as every other girls' and my body definitely wasn't as slim and nice as theirs. There's basically nothing attractive about me. I don't understand why Levi has stayed with me all these years. He's so handsome and athletic. I don't deserve him. But speaking of Levi...

"Sweetheart, are you ready to go yet?" Levi walked into the bathroom while fastening his watch. "You're not even dressed?"

"Oh, sorry." I tried to laugh it off and walk out but Levi blocked the doorway.

"You've got to stop this, (Y/N)." He said seriously and I slowly made eye contact with him. "Why don't you think anything good about yourself?"

"Why do you?"  I retorted. "Why do you think anything good about me? Look at me-!"

"Because you're my wife, and I love you." He looked at me sincerely. "I married you for you. From your horrid morning breath to your cute little quirks."

"It's not that bad-"

"(Y/N)." Levi wrapped his arms around my waist. "I think you're beautiful. Perfect, even. I would never change a thing about you." I gave up and rested my head on his chest.

"Thank you." I smiled to myself.

"So how we go to dinner now and I'll tell you all the reasons I love you." Levi cracked a smile.

"Not before I do." I smirked and pushed him out of the bathroom so I could get ready.

A/N: You are so beautiful~~~!💗

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