LevixMute!Reader ~ New squad member

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Levi's POV

Tch, what does he want now? I reluctantly made my way down to Erwin's office. He told me just a little while ago that he had something important he wanted to talk to me about. "What is it now, Erwin?" I grumbled as I came into his office.

"Ah, Levi, it's about time." Erwin said.

"Whatever." I plopped down in one of his chairs.

"This is cadet (Y/N) (L/N). I want her to join your squad along with Eren." I hadn't even noticed the girl sitting in the other chair. She had silky (H/C) hair and bright (E/C) eyes. I have to admit, she was very beautiful. She smiled at me and saluted.

"Tch, and what makes you think you're good enough for my squad?" I asked her.

"She ranked number one in the 104th training corps and eliminated approximately one-fourth of the titans at Trost by herself." Erwin said. "She also defended Eren when the Military Police attacked him for being a titan shifter. She's obviously willing to put her life on the line for others."

"Hmm." I thought about it. She'd make a good asset for my squad. We need more soldiers like her.

"Where do you come from, brat?" I asked her.

"She came from Wall Rose." Erwin answered. Tch, I wasn't asking you, Eyebrows. "But there's something else you need to know."

"Isn't there always a catch with you?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh! There you are, (Y/N)!" Hanji burst through the doors. "I've been looking all over for you! Would you like to help me with my experiments?!" (Y/N) smiled and nodded.

"As I was saying-" Erwin said.

"I'll have her on my squad." I decided. "Congratulations, cadet." I went over to her and held out my hand. She smiled and quickly shook my hand. Her hands are really soft. However... "Tch, can't you do anything but smile? It's rude to not speak to your superiors." Her smile dropped and she let go of my hand.

"As I was saying," Erwin said again. "(Y/N) is mute. She's been like that ever since she was born." Oh...

"How do you communicate, cadet?" I asked her. She retrieved a small notepad and pen from her jacket pocket.

"Levi, I want you to show (Y/N) around HQ." Erwin said.

"But my experiments." Hanji whined.

"That can wait." I rolled my eyes. "Let's go." She nodded and closely followed behind me. I showed her around the building first. "This is my office. You will come here whenever I need you or you need me." I was, of course, met with silence. I showed her her room and the mess hall. I then took her outside and walked around the training grounds.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" A blonde cadet came running over to us. He saluted me and then turned back to (Y/N). I believe from the court trial that his name is Armin. "Are you settling in alright?" (Y/N) quickly nodded and brought out her notepad. She wrote something down and showed it to Armin. "That's great! I'll go let Eren know. He'll be really glad to hear you're on the same squad as him." He then ran off.

"So you're excited to be on my squad, cadet?" I asked her. She quickly nodded and smiled. She wrote down 'Thank you' on her notepad. I read it and looked away. "Well you should know it's not going to be easy." She seemed to understand and we continued our tour.

Time skip

It's been about a week and (Y/N) seems to be settling in well. It turns out that she's also good friends with that Jaeger brat and his overprotective sister. We've also been together a lot lately. She hangs out in my office to help me with paperwork or bring me tea. She's very efficient and smart. When we take a break, we make light conversation. She's also actually a funny and kind person, most people just don't make the effort to get to know her. She said she used to be bullied but once she started training, it got a little better.

Today Hanji finally got her way of getting (Y/N) to help her with her experiments, so (Y/N) wasn't here right now. To be honest, it was a little lonely. I sighed and got up, going to dinner.

I turned the corner and heard some voices. Tch, those brats should be in the mess hall. I walked towards the voices and listened in. "Hah, what's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" A voice asked menacingly.

"Let's just leave her. She's not worth our time." Another said. I heard boots walking away and I stepped out. There I saw (Y/N) on the ground crying and holding her throat.

"(Y/N) what happened?!" I quickly ran to her. Tears streamed down her cheeks and I removed her hand from her neck. There were scratch marks almost as if someone had grabbed her there. "Were they bullying you?" I nodded. I sighed and shook my head, intending to go teach them a lesson. (Y/N), however, grabbed my arm to stop me. I sighed and bent down, picking her up. I brought her to my room and started to treat her neck.

Once I was done, she brought out her notepad. She wrote down 'Thank you.' "You're welcome." I looked away. 'Why are you doing all of this?' She wrote again. I sighed and walked around. "Honestly, I don't know. You just have a lot of potential, so I want to take care of you." She rose an eyebrow at me. "Fine. You just... I don't know. You've only been here a week but... I just... favor you, I guess..." I felt my cheeks flush and (Y/N)'s shoulders moved up and down, signaling that she was laughing.

She then motioned me over and I sat down next her her. She leaned over and pressed a kiss to my cheek. I blushed even more and she pulled back, giving me a sweet smile. This brat... We'll get there some day.

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