Child!LevixReader ~ Chibi

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(Y/N)'s POV

"You did WHAT?!" I yelled at Hanji. She chuckled and scratched the back of her head.

"It was an honest mistake." She said. "Levi owed me a favor and the experiment just went wrong. It should only last 24 hours."

I sighed and looked down at the three-year old version of my boyfriend. He hid behind my legs from Hanji. "But he's so cute! How can you be mad?" Hanji gushed.

"See you later." I picked up Levi and walked out.

"(Y-Y/N)..." Levi looked up to me. He looked just like normal, just chibi. Ugh... he is cute.

"Yes, honey?" I cradled him to my chest. He seems to know everyone, but that's probably it. He has the mind of a three-year old, too.

"Where are we going?" His cute voice asked.

"To my office." I answered.

"Good afternoon, (Y/N)." Erwin came around the corner. "Oh, who's this?" He smiled. Levi turned around to face him.

"This is..." I searched for the right words but gave up. "Levi."

"Oh." Erwin looked at him in shock. "Hanji?"

"Yep." I sighed. Levi lifted up his tiny finger and pointed to Erwin. Erwin bent down and Levi traced his finger along his over-sized eyebrows.

"Ew..." Levi commented and wiped his finger on my jacket. Erwin sighed and stood back up.

"Hanji said whatever went wrong should wear off in 24 hours." I said. "What should I do until then?"

"Just keep him with you, I guess." Erwin shrugged. I nodded and headed to my office. I sat down and put him on my desk.

"Well, what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Clean." He gave a small smile.

"Of course you do." I chuckled and got him dressed in some miniature cleaning apparel. He went on to clean my entire office and room spotless. Eventually he came back and tugged on my pants leg.

"Hungwy." He said.

"Oh, I guess it's time for dinner." I held his hand and walked down to the mess hall. I grabbed our food and sat down at the superiors' table.

"Hey, Levi~" Hanji cooed reached out a hand. Levi smacked it away and glared at her. "That wasn't very nice." Hanji frowned.

"Shut up." Levi climbed into my lap and ate his food.

"Maybe you should keep him away from Hanji." Erwin chuckled. I nodded and went to the 104th's table.

"Hey, guys. Can we sit here?" I asked.

"Sure..." Armin said uneasy. "U-Um, is that...?"

"Yep." I answered.

"So tiny~" Christa said and Mikasa snickered. I had to stop Levi from crawling over the table to attack them.

"I think it's bedtime." I threw away our trash and headed back to my room. I walked through the door and felt something wet on my cheek. I looked down to find Levi starting to cry. "What's wrong?" I sat down on my office couch and rubbed his back.

"I... u-upset you..." He sniffled.

"No, no. You didn't upset me." I smiled. "I think this form just has you a little tired." I wiped my tears away and held him close in my arms.

"I wove you." He pecked my cheek.

"I love you, too." We snuggled until he fell asleep.

Time skip

I woke up the next morning still on my office couch and a blanket around me. I started to panic and searched around for Levi. I eventually heard running up and down the hallway outside. "GET BACK HERE, FOUR-EYES!" The normal, angry voice of my boyfriend yelled, followed by another's maniac laughing. Ah, there he is.

A/N: Hey you guys! Last week I posted about doing a Q&A. Well if you want me to do one, go ahead and send in your questions!♥️

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