LevixThalassophobic!Reader ~ Seashells

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Thalassophobia- Fear of the sea

(Y/N)'s POV

I leaned against the back of a palm tree as I tried to calmly stroke my horse. Behind me the cadets were having fun splashing in the water. Yes, I did want to come outside the walls, but I never wanted to come to the ocean. Nobody's ever studied it so who knows what's down there. It could be deadly creatures or just vast emptiness that can drown you in a second. I'd prefer to feel the ground beneath my feet.

"Oi." I suddenly heard behind me and I jumped.

"H-Hey, Levi." I tried my best to smile at my boyfriend.

"Jean just got salt water in his eyes. You should have seen it." Levi snickered.

"Is that so." I laughed, predicting the sight.

"So why are you all alone over here?" Levi leaned against the palm tree.

"I just feel a little sick." I tried to lie. Well, I wasn't actually lying. I felt sick to my stomach from nervousness and being afraid.

"(Y/N)." Levi rose an eyebrow at me. I sighed.

"I don't want to go in that... thing." I mumbled.

"(Y/N), it's just water. It's not going to hurt you." Levi tried to reason with me.

"You don't know that." I looked in the opposite direction of Levi and the ocean.

"Come on." Levi took my hand and began walking toward the dangerous lapping waves.

"Levi, stop!" I whined as I tried to wriggle out of his grip. He pulled me to the shore where the waves came up to touch the tips of my boots. Feeling the sand beneath me starting to sink, I quickly jumped onto Levi who caught me instantly.

"Hey, what's that?" He reached down and picked up a small, perfectly pearl-colored seashell. "Here." He gently placed the shell in my shaky hands. I stared at its beautiful design and color. I didn't even notice that Levi stood me back up on my own two feet until some of the water came up and splashed through my pants.

I looked away from the shell and out to the sun high above the sea. The water was just like Armin told me throughout the years. It was so blue and seemed never-ending, but it was so beautiful. "Not too bad." I chuckled to myself as Levi held my hand and I watched everyone else finally getting to enjoy the ocean and sand. "Not bad at all."

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