LevixFit!Reader ~ Train with me (Part 2)

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Levi when I said I wanted you to train with me, this isn't what I meant." I groaned, laying on his office floor. Why does Humanity's strongest need to have such an intense workout routine?

"Stop overreacting." He looked down at me, almost no sweat coming off his body, oppositr compared to mine. Levi and I have only been training together for a few days now, and I just keep getting more and more exhausted. Finally he sighed and laid down on the floor.

"What?" I asked, slightly scared.

"Every time you do a pushup, you can come down and kiss me." He said.

"Not bad." I smirked and got into my pushup position on top of him. Every time I successfully completed a pushup, I got to kiss his soft lips. I probably looked like a trashcan, but oh well.

But even though Levi's a huge motivation for me, my body eventually gave out after about 20.

"Ew get off of me. You're sweaty." He whined as I fell on top of him.

"But I love you~~~" I smiled and hugged him close, knowing I was making his OCD go through the roof.

"Ughh." He gave in. "But I think it's my turn now."

"What- hey!" I groaned as he finally pushed me off of him. I landed with my back on the hard floor as he got into his pushup position above me. He smirked as he started exercising, kissing me every time. He completed many more than I did, but I wasn't complaining.

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