LevixNurse!Reader ~ I love you

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Levi's POV

"You gotta stop doing this." (Y/N) huffed as she wrapped my now bloody fist after training.

"Sorry." I slightly chuckle as her hands gently touched mine. In all honesty, I do this on purpose. I just want to see (Y/N), but I just don't know how to tell her my true feelings.

Should I even tell her at all? What if she witnesses me die? I can't leave her with those scars.

"There you go." She stood up and put her hands on her hips. "No. More. Fights."

"Yep." I headed out the door and heard her chuckle behind me.

(Y/N)'s POV

I hummed to myself as I cleaned up the supplies after bandaging Levi up for the fifth time this week. "You guys are so hopeless." Hanji sighed as she sat on the window seal. I quickly spun around. When did she even get here?!

"What're you talking about, Hanji?" I mumbled.

"He just can't take his eyes off you." She continued on. My face only continued to blush deeply as I took off my coat.

"Don't you think he would have said something by now if he felt that way?" I asked.

"Not necessarily." Hanji shrugged. "He's probably nervous, or overthinking things." I nodded. To be honest, I had feelings for Levi, too, but I know all he's been through so I don't want to force him into anything.

Time skip

"TITANS!!!" Someone yelled as we all galloped towards the walls. The expedition had taken a turn for the worst. Our cart was currently full of soldiers in need to immediate treatment. Some of them aren't gonna make it...

"Hey, you're going to be okay." I tried to smile and hide my tears from a soldier I knew was taking their last breaths.

"(Y/N)! There's more!" The head nurse yelled out.

"Okay!" I stressed as I tried to make room for the new patients.

"(Y/N)!" Hanji rode up on her horse with a very familiar soldier in her arms. "He was trying to protect his squad! Please!" She begged.

I quickly took Levi from her arms and examined him. It seemed like he suffered serious head trauma and internal bleeding. "Stay with me, Levi." I said through tears as he groaned.

During that moment, me trying to save his life, everything seemed to stop. It was as if we were the only two people there, and suddenly it all came to me: anything can happen to either or us at any time. If I want a future with Levi, it has to start now.

"I love you." I choked out as I pressed a soft kiss onto his lips. I felt him weakly kiss me back before he finally passed out.

Time skip

Levi's POV

I groaned as I slowly lifted a hand up to my head. Everything was so sore. I eventually opened my eyes and looked around. I seemed to be already in the infirmary. "Hmm?" A voice hummed. I looked down to find (Y/N) who clung onto me for dear life. She seemed to have just woken up, too. "Levi!" She exclaimed and I winced. "Sorry." She whispered.

"Have you been here the whole time?" I asked.

"I couldn't leave you." She leaned her head against my chest. Suddenly everything came back to me.

"I... I love you, too." I said slowly and softly. I've never said those words to anyone in this sense before. She slowly lifted her head up to look at me and gave me a huge smile. "Be mine?"

"You know it." She giggled and embraced me again. I let out a smile and wrapped my arms around her, too, content and happy with life for once.

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