Fictional Character!LevixReader ~ See You Soon

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Modern AU

(Y/N)'s POV

Ughhh... he's so hot... I sighed as I looked through countless Instagram accounts of Levi cosplayers. Why can't he just be real...

I put my phone down and flopped onto my bed. Maybe I could start a new fanfiction? No, I've probably already finished all of them on Wattpad since quarantine.

Levi has always been my favorite character from Attack on Titan. He's so strong and actually a really good person and, of course, extremely attractive.

I sighed and looked over to my bookshelf. I had just finished reading the last chapter that came out. I wonder what it would be like if he were real. He'd probably kill me to be honest.

I closed my eyes to take a nap when it suddenly felt like everything in my room was shaking. A random book from my Attack on Titan collection fell from its shelf and onto the floor.

Suddenly there was a light bright enough to make me shut my eyes. Finally everything stopped shaking and went back to normal. Well, almost normal.

"Hanji! Where am I?!" An all too familiar voice yelled. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with... Levi?! He groaned and dusted himself off. He looked around the place before noticing me. He immediately grabbed his sword and charged at me.

"Please don't hurt me, Heichou!" I screamed.

"Hei-what?" He asked. "Who are you? Where am I?!"


"You better start talking!" He glared at me and pressed his sword against my throat.

"Okay, okay, Levi!" 

"How do you know my name?" He asked warily.

"W-Well..." I chuckled, slowly pulling his sword away from my throat. "You're in the year 2020. My name's (Y/N)."

"But how do you know me?" He repeated.

"In this world, you're part of a book." I tried to explain. "You, Eren, Erwin, Hanji-"

"Hanji!" He exclaimed. "She forced me to help her with an experiment. That must be how I ended up here."

"That would explain it." I chuckled.

"Do you have any idea for getting me back? We have an expedition soon." He crossed his arms.

"Um, not exactly, but I'm sure Hanji's working on a solution." I said, still in shock. My favorite anime character of all time, HERE?! Levi... HERE?! He's even hotter in person. Still short, though.

"What?" He narrowed his eyes at me. I must have been staring at him for a while. "What is that?" He eyed my Levi plushie on my bed.

"Uh, nothing!" I tried to hide it.

"I take it you're a fan of my book or whatever?"

"Y-Yeah, I am." I answered. "It starts at the fall of Shiganshina and goes on for several years, but it does have some flashbacks and stuff. It's a really popular series."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah! You-" I stopped myself short as I didn't exactly know what to say.

"Me what?" I asked.

"You, uh..." I could feel my cheeks starting to get warmer. "You're the most popular character actually."

"Why's that?" He asked, a little shocked. I blushed even hotter and hid my face in my hands.

"You're really hot..." I mumbled, peaking at him through my fingers.

"Hmp." He slightly smirked.

"A-Anyways, um..." I tried to change the topic. "Are you hungry? Or do you want a change of clothes? I'm sure I have something-"

"Hold on." He stopped me. "I don't want to be a bother."

"Oh believe me, you aren't." I chuckled. "It's the least I can do. You've done a lot for me. Fans also love you because you're really inspirational. You've come a long way in life. So please, let me help you until you can get back to your world."

"Fine." He replied. I smiled and went to my brother's old room who recently moved out.

"Here, these should work." I returned with a pair of blue jeans, a t-shirt and a plaid hoodie. He went to the bathroom to change and may I just say, he looks even better than any fan-arts I have saved on my phone.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He said monotonously. I blushed and rolled my eyes.

"It's lunch time." I mumbled and went down to the kitchen.

I had no clue when Hanji would find a way to get Levi back to his own world, but I figured I should enjoy this time with him while I can. I mean, this is every fangirl's dream. This is my dream.

He acted just like he did in the manga and anime. He was a bit rude and insisted on cleaning every inch of the house. But knowing him, I could also see his kind, genuine side. Even though he called me a brat quite a few times, I feel like we actually got along pretty well. The only thing is that he's having a hard time adjusting to our modern appliances and such. This morning he got spooked by the toaster, which was quite entertaining.

"Hey, Levi, I have something for you." I said sadly as I found him in the living room. I held some pictures behind my back that I had just printed off. Some were of different beautiful parts of the world he'll probably never get to see, and some were of me and him. Of course, I had to force him to take the pictures. He would cringe every time I said the word "selfie."

"Thank you." He said quietly as he flipped through the pictures.

"It's nothing, I just wanted to give you something before you had to leave." I said.

"Well it seems like you're right on time." He said, confusing me. He held up his hand to show it slowly fading away. His whole body, in fact, started becoming lighter and lighter. "Thank you for taking care of me. I... I've enjoyed it." I smiled as tears started forming in my eyes.

"Me too." I agreed. "Oh, you're uniform-!"

"Keep it." He smiled. His smiles really are so beautiful.

"Thank you." I said. "Say hi to the others for me."

"I will." He nodded. "Goodbye, (Y/N)."

"Goodbye, Levi." My tears fell down my cheeks as Levi eventually vanished into nothingness. I sighed as I slowly trudged up the stairs. I found his Survey Corps uniform from the first day clean and folded in the spare bedroom I let him use.

I smiled and picked it up, putting it in the back of my closet. This isn't really goodbye... I still have the manga.

I picked up the manga book from off my floor. I had been so preoccupied with Levi, I had never put it back up. The next chapter comes out next month. I'll see you soon, Heichou.

A/N: If you guys really liked this one-shot, I do having a book titled "Meeting the Higher-ups" on my profile. It was my very first fanfic from almost 3 years ago. It's about what happens when Levi, Hanji, Erwin and Mike end up in the modern world. There's even a sequel book that has an alternate ending than the first book. Please go check it out if you want to!♥️ Thanks so much for reading!

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