Hopeless!LevixCrush!Reader ~ Rain

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Modern AU

Levi's POV

I sighed as I watched (Y/N) across the room socializing with her friends. (Y/N) and I have been friends since elementary school, but honestly, I've always wanted to be more than that. I mean, who wouldn't? She's so beautiful, and kind, and caring, and-

"Drooling over her again?" Hanji plopped down next to me.

"Shut up." I reluctantly averted my gaze from (Y/N).

"Levi why don't you just go talk to her? You've been all over her for years."

"She would never like someone like me." I said. "Plus, I've never been in a relationship before. I don't even know how to go about it." The bell rang and everybody took their seats. The teacher rambled on and on about some kind of quadratic formula.

"She's looking at you." Hanji whispered next to me. I inconspicuously turned my head and caught (Y/N)'s eye, making my heart flutter.

(Y/N)'s POV

He's so handsome... Oh who am I kidding? He'd never like me. His friend whispered something to him and he slowly met my gaze. My heart started beating rapidly but he just glared at me in response. My cheeks flushed hot and I looked back down at my desk.

Time skip

Class finally ended and I walked out to my locker. I was about to turn a corner to go to my next class but I ran into someone, dropping all my stuff. "Watch where you're going." A cold voice said.

"I-I'm sorry." I looked up to find Levi's familiar icy stare. He seemed a little shocked but averted his eyes.

"Nevermind." He mumbled and quickly walked away. Did he... just blush?

Levi's POV

Lunch eventually came around and I sat at my usual table alone. Hanji was in detention for almost blowing up the school in chemistry and Erwin was out sick. "Is this seat taken?" A familiar voice asked. (Y/N). "I just got in here and it's pretty crowded."

"No, it's open." I responded.

"Thanks." She smiled. "I'm sorry about running into you earlier."

"It's fine." I replied. Wow, Levi, why are you so incapable of saying meaningful stuff? We ate in silence until I gathered my courage and spoke up. "So what have you been up to recently?" I asked.

"Nothing much. I have classroom cleaning duty this week." She said.

"Well do a good job. This school's already dirty enough." I scoffed.

"Right." She mumbled. "So what about you? Do you... have a girlfriend?" Girlfriend? Why would she ask that?

"No." I answered.

"Seriously? All the girls here are all over you." She seemed a little shocked.

"I only really care about one, and I don't think she'd like me." I admitted.

"Oh? Well you never know until you try." She seemed a little down.

"Yeah..." I picked at the rest of my food and the lunch bell finally rang.

Time skip

Great, it's pouring. I walked to the school's entrance to find (Y/N) standing by the door opening an umbrella. "Hey." I said. "You need a ride?"

"I don't want to bother you." She smiled.

"Just come on." I said and led her out to my car. Now's your chance, Levi. Just do it!

"Thanks for the ride." She said.

"It's no problem." I replied. Stop being a wimp. "So, you have a boyfriend yet?"

"U-Um, no." She sheepishly replied. "I like this guy, but I don't think he'll ever like me back." Oh... she likes someone... I guess I really don't have a chance after all. "Why don't you come in for a while until the rain lets up." She offered.

"I don't want to be a bother-"

"I have tea~" I quickly cut the car off and followed her into the house. She made me and her a hot cup of tea and we sat down in the living room. It's worth a shot, Levi. Just do it. I sighed at the thoughts clouding my brain. "Are you okay, Levi?" (Y/N) asked concerned.

"Y-Yeah... It's just..." I looked down at my tea and searched my brain for the right words. "I... uh... I like your face!" Nice one.

"Um... thanks?"

"No! That's not what I meant." I shook my head. "I mean, you are beautiful, but... I'm sorry, I should go." I sat my cup down and headed for the door.

"Levi, wait!" She grabbed my arm. I turned around to see her face flushed. "I love you." She said quietly.

"What?" I asked, purely shocked.

"I... I love you." She repeated. "Ever since the first day we met. You probably don't feel the same way-"

"I do!" I practically yelled. "I love you, too." She smiled brightly and hugged me. "(Y/N), will you... please go out with me?"

"Of course." She mumbled in the embrace.

"Finally!" I turned to see Hanji completely drenched watching us through living room window like a mad woman.

"HANJI!" I chased her down the street in the pouring rain hearing (Y/N) laughing hysterically in the distance.

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