LevixErwin's Sister!Reader ~ Transfer

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A/N: Sorry this took a little while! The end of my first college semester is super stressful!


Levi's POV

"Waiiit, you have a sister?!" Hanji exclaimed as we all three sat in Erwin's office.

"Yes, Hanji." Erwin rubbed his temples after answering that for the third time. "She's the Military Police's second-in-command, but she's transferring over here."

"Can't blame her." I scoffed.

"Anyways." He looked at me. "She's going to be a squad leader like the two of you so I want you both to help her out and such."

"Of course!" Hanji jumped up and then they both looked at me knowingly.

"Whatever." I sighed, grabbing my teacup and walking out the door.

(Y/N)'s POV

"It's so pretty!" I gushed as Erwin showed me around the Survey Corps' HQ which was also an old castle. "Everybody here seems a lot nicer."

"I'm glad you think so." Erwin smiled. This is great! Now I can see Erwin every day and hopefully make some actual friends.

"Hello~~~!!!" Suddenly a brunette with glasses charged down the hallway towards me. I stepped to the side behind Erwin as she fell to the ground. A shorter black-haired man peaked out of one of the doors and shook his head.

"Levi!" Erwin called out before the man closed the door back. "Hanji, Levi, this is (Y/N)."

"Oh, it's you! You're Humanity's Strongest." I went up to him.

"Yeah." He looked away.

"Commander! Mr. Pixis is here to see you." A blonde cadet showed up.

"Sorry, (Y/N)." Erwin gave me a lopsided smile. "Can you two show her around?"

"Of course!" Hanji grabbed both mine and Levi's hands and skipped down the hallway before finally letting go as we made it to the training field. "These are all of our squads! You'll get yours soon." Hanji rambled on and on about who every single person was.

"So how long have you been here?" I asked Levi, trying to strike up a conversation. I've heard of him, but never got the chance to a actually meet him. He's a lot shorter than I'd thought...

"About 6 years." He answered. "Why did you transfer?"

"I just didn't feel like just serving the king was helping humanity. I wanted to be on the frontlines." I said. He hummed in acknowledgement and nodded. Little did we know that a certain mad scientist was creepily smirking at us and eventually left us alone. "Umm, where's Hanji?"

"Who knows." Levi shrugged. "I'll finish showing you around."

"Thank you." I smiled brightly.

Levi's POV

She's so cute... but she's Erwin's little sister... How would that even turn out? I mean, I admire her for her willingness to fight for humanity and all. "He's so soft." She gushed as she brushed my horse. He then nuzzled his nose against (Y/N)'s face and licked her. "Eww." She giggled. "Hey, Levi, can I ask you something?"

"What?" I asked.

"How is Erwin doing really? He always writes to me saying how things are going good, but I know how he is. He takes things so deeply and personally. After our father died... he's had his mind solely focused on the fight." She fidgeted with her hands.

"I can assure you, he's in good hands." I looked at her sincerely. "He's a great man, and we're all here to back him up. You have nothing to worry about."

"Great... Thank you, Levi." She smiled and kissed my cheek. My heartbeat quickened as her soft lips made contact with my skin.

"(Y/N)!" Erwin appeared through the stable doors with a shocked look on his face.

"Oh, hey!" She waved. Erwin then rushed over and threw (Y/N) over his shoulder.

"No!" He pointed his finger at me. "No no no no no." He repeated as he ran off, but somehow I knew he was mostly just joking.

"See you later, Levi!" (Y/N) called out. I let out a tiny smile and waved my hand. See you.

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