LevixHero!Reader ~ My hero

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Levi's POV

"Oi, Arlert!" I called out to the brat. "Go make me some tea."

"Yes, sir." He nodded and scurried away. I turned back around and walked to my office. Tch, where's (Y/N)? She always makes the best tea.

"Hey, Levi~!" Four-eyes barged into my office and basically threw a huge stack of paperwork on my desk. "Erwin wants you to do these."

"Of course he does." I sighed and rolled my eyes. Can't I ever get a break?

(Y/N)'s POV

I slowly trudged up the hill back to HQ. My squad and I just got done with a very intense training session. A big expedition was coming up so we didn't need to be slacking.

Finally HQ came in sight and I jogged towards the door. The cool air from inside immediately engulfed me. Maybe I should get some water. I made my way to the mess hall but smelt something funny. Is something... burning? I quickened my pace and made it to the kitchen. The entire place was full of smoke while I heard quiet coughing from somewhere. "Who's here?!" I called out.

"(Y-Y/N)?!" The person asked. Armin?!

"Armin, what happened?!" I asked, trying to find my way to him.

"Captain Levi asked me to make him some tea, but I've never done it before." He said. The fire quickly engulfed the whole kitchen.

"Well we can't tame it now." I said. "Armin, I need you to go gather as many people as you can and get them out of here." He nodded and ran down the left wing. I ran down the right, yelling for people to evacuate. The fire was quickly spreading.

When I reached the end, I turned back around and went down the left wing. I knew Eren and Mikasa had probably forced Armin out, too, so most likely not everyone has heard yet.

The fire had already taken over the first few rooms but I kept running. I almost got trampled a few times by beyond-frantic cadets. "Squad Leader!" One of them ran up to me. "It's Captain Levi! He's still in there!" Tch, cowards!

I sprinted down the familiar hallway to Levi's office. I often helped him with his paperwork or we would just sit around and talk. We were really good friends. I honestly wanted to be more, but I didn't know about him.


"Hey, Levi." I said. He looked up in acknowledgment. "Do you ever think about the ocean?"

"Sometimes." He admitted. "Why?"

"It's just crazy to think that something that amazing and beautiful can exist in a cruel world like this." I said. "Hey, Levi."

"Hey, (Y/N)." He joked. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Promise me that we'll go see the ocean together one day." I could have sworn I saw a tiny hint of pink on his cheeks.

"I promise, (Y/N)." He slightly smiled.

Flashback ended

I finally made it to his office and flung open the door. Thick smoke already filled the room along with some fire. His room was close to the mess hall, after all. "LEVI! LEVI WHERE ARE YOU?!" I heard some light coughing coming from the middle of the room. I felt my way around and found his desk. He was behind it nearly unconscious. "LEVI, HEY WAKE UP! WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!" He continued coughing and spitting up some blood. There's no telling how much smoke he's inhaled by now.

"(Y-Y/N), go... you deserve to live..." He weakly said.

"And so do you!" I picked him up in my arms and found my way to the window. I opened it up and saw the complete bottom half of HQ in flames. "HANJI!!!" I caught sight of her. "I HAVE LEVI, I'M GONNA THROW HIM DOWN, SO GET READY TO CATCH!"

"BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU?!" She yelled back and got her squad together. I didn't respond, knowing she'd somehow make me come down, too. After I threw Levi, there won't be time for me. His life is more important than mine.

"(Y-Y/N), please don't..." Levi coughed.

"I-I'm sorry, I love you." I admitted through tears before it was too late. His eyes shot open in shock but I didn't give him time to respond. He most likely doesn't feel the same way, and I don't want my last moments to be ones of heartbreak. "YEET!" (I'm just kidding) I hoisted him onto the ledge and pushed him off, aiming for Hanji's group. Not even three seconds later, the room collapsed and I blacked out.

Levi's POV

"Idiot..." I muttered. What was she thinking, risking her life to save mine?! I held her hand in mine, staring at her peaceful face. We finally got her fever down and stitched up her wounds. Now it was just a matter of seeing if she would wake up or not. "We're supposed to go see the ocean together, remember? You can't die on me now." I laid my head on the bed and let the tears fall.

Time skip

For weeks I stayed by (Y/N)'s side. They started rebuilding the HQ, but I couldn't bring myself to leave the hospital. I was beginning to lose hope. However, one morning, all that changed.

"Levi?" I quiet voice pulled me from my slumber. I looked up to find a pair of beautiful (E/C) eyes staring at me. "What happened?"

"(Y/N)!" I jumped up and gave her a hug. This is so out of character for me...

"Hey..." She chuckled.

"You woke up." I said.

"Yeah... how did I survive?"

"Once the building collapsed, I forced everybody to go searching for you. Obviously they found you, and we brought you here to get you fixed up." I explained.

"Oh..." She said, still in a daze. "How are the others?"

"They're fine." I said. "You should really be worrying about yourself, though. Why did you come and save me? You could have and almost died."

"I told you, didn't I?" She blushed. Oh... I pushed a strand of hair away from her face and gathered up my courage.

"I love you, too." I said. She looked at me with wide and hopeful eyes. "And thank you, for saving me."

"You're welcome." She smiled. I've missed that smile so much. "So does this mean we're still going to see the ocean?"

"You bet." I smiled and gave her a warm kiss.

Thank you... my hero.

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