LevixReaderxYandere!Eren ~ Crazy

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Modern AU

(Y/N)'s POV

"You're still coming over after school though, right?" Levi asked me at my locker.

"Of course. I love your mom's cooking." I replied.

"You only want me for food."

"Maybe." I shrugged, making him look at me seriously. "I'm just kidding, babe." I reached up to kiss his cheek, making him blush.

Eren's POV

I peaked out from my locker door watching the two. That should be me and not him! Why is it always him?! They eventually hugged and went their separate ways for class. I grabbed my books and closed my locker. "Hey, Eren!" (Y/N) skipped up to me.

"Hey." I replaced my scowl with a smile towards my childhood friend and crush.

"You ready for the dance next Friday?"

"I guess." I shrugged. "I suppose you're going with Levi?"

"Yep." She smiled. Of course. "Who are you going with?"

"No one." I answered.

"Aww, I'm sure there's someone." She said. "What about Mikasa? Or Annie? Or Historia-"

"I'm going alone." I said, a little more cold than I wanted to. If I can't go with her, I don't want to go with anyone.

"Oh, okay." (Y/N) said quietly. "Well if you want, you can hang out with me and Levi."

"No thanks." I declined, thinking to myself. The dance is the perfect opportunity to get my way... I'll get my way... and (Y/N) will be mine... forever.

"Um, Eren, you're kinda creeping me out." (Y/N) took a step back. I quickly came to and wiped the creepy smile off my face.

"Sorry." I chuckled. "I'll see you after class." I ruffled her silky smooth hair and walked off.

(Y/N)'s POV

What's been up with him lately? In the multitude of years I've know Eren, he's never acted like this. "(Y/N)." Levi suddenly waved his hand in front of my face. "You okay?"

"Huh? Umm, yeah." I put on a smile.

"Anyways..." He looked at me weird. "What about this color for the dance?"

"I love it!" I gushed.

"Dinner's ready!" Levi's mom called from the kitchen.

"Yes!" I jumped up and sprinted out of the room.

Eren's POV

"So if I use this... and lure him out here... then (Y/N) won't suspect a thing..." I mumbled to myself, trying to figure out my plan to get rid of the little pest. I put my pencil down and sighed, staring at the montage of pictures and drawing of (Y/N) I've collected over the years.

Sweet, sweet (Y/N)...

You will be mine.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Mikasa I'm nervous." I said as Mikasa did my hair for the dance.

"It's just Levi." She said.

"Exactly." I sighed and heard the doorbell ring. We put the finishing touches on my look and I went to the front door. I opened it to reveal Levi in a pristine black suit and tie with his hair  neatly slicked back. In his hand he held a beautiful corsage.

"Wow... you look gorgeous." He blushed.

"T-Thanks... you too." I stuttered. "Not gorgeous! Handsome! You look handsome." He chuckled and gave me a quick kiss, slipping the corsage onto my wrist. We took some pictures around the house and then headed to the school. The gym was already full of students and staff with music blaring.

We walked in and were immediately greeted by all our friends. "You guys are so cute!" Hanji gushed. We all grabbed some food first and sat down at a table.

"I think they really outdid themselves this year." Historia commented.

"This is so good." Sasha stuffed her mouth with food.

More people started arriving and I noticed Eren who had just sat down in the corner. "Yo." I scooted next to him.

"Oh, hey." He smiled at me, looking at my dress. "You look ravishing."

"Thank you." I blushed. Suddenly the DJ started a new song which happened to be the one that Levi and I listen to all the time together. "Levi! Let's dance!" I jumped up and dragged Levi onto the dance floor.

Eren's POV

Everything's going as planned... I knew she would get distracted by the music... So naive...

I slipped my hand into my pocket and pulled out the fast-dissolving pill. Unsuspectingly, I walked by the table and slipped it into Levi's punch. As soon as he drinks it, he'll get nauseous and probably step out. Then I'll take my chance.

Eventually they both came off the dance floor and back to the table. "I really need to work out more." (Y/N) said breathlessly.

"I've offered you to work out with me." Levi said, picking up his drink. Yes!

"You're too good, though." (Y/N) said. After a couple minutes, Levi placed a hand over his stomach. "You okay, sweetie?"

"Yeah, um-" He stopped and gripped his head, standing up. "I'm gonna go get some fresh air."

After about a minute, I got up and followed him outside. I peaked around the corner and found him leaning against the gym wall. Eventually his slid down to the ground and gripped his head.

"How do you feel?" I smirked, coming out from the shadows.

"What do you want, brat?" He groaned.

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked, getting straight to the point. I walked closer and kicked him in the gut, gripping his hair to look at me. "I want (Y/N)."

"She's... mine..." He weakly said through kicks and punches. I slid my knife out of my coat pocket and put it at his neck.

"Why though? I've known her ever since we were born, unlike you." I slowly pressed the knife into his neck. "WHY IS IT ALWAYS YOU?! IT SHOULD BE ME!"

"You're insane." He grunted in pain.

"Levi? Sweetheart?" (Y/N)'s delightful voice called out.

"(Y/N), go back inside!" Levi tried to say.

"Looks like I'll have to make this quick." I whispered and pulled the knife back.

(Y/N)'s POV

I don't know how I got there in time, but I did. Probably the adrenaline. I gripped Eren's wrist and twisted his arm back. He groaned in pain and dropped the knife. I then strongly kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and he fell to the ground. "What is wrong with you?!" I yelled.

"Why isn't it me?! Why don't you love me?!" He cried out.

"Because you're crazy. I hope you rot in jail!" I picked up his head and smashed it onto the ground, knocking him out. Finally my knees gave way and I collapsed. Tears flooded down my cheeks as I tried to catch my breath. Levi scooted over to me and held me close to him.

"Hey now, it's okay... He's not gonna be here anymore." He stroked my hair.

"You were gonna die... because of me!" I sobbed.

"It's not your fault, baby." He said. "He was crazy."

"I just... I didn't know a thing... I didn't know he was like that..."

"Me either, but you don't have to worry about it now." He said. I nodded and leaned my head onto his shoulder, feeling safe and sound.

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