LevixReader ~ Pocky

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Levi~" I smiled as I pranced into the room. My boyfriend eyed me, already knowing I was up to something.

"What?" Levi crossed his arms. I chuckled as I plopped myself next to him on the couch and pulled out a box from my bag.

"Eat this." I said in my best All Might voice.

"Do you know how much sugar those have-"

"Levi!" I whined.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes. I kept one end in between my lips and held out the other end for him. "I'll eat the thing but I'm not playing the stupid game."

"Please?" I whined with the pocky still in mouth.

"No." Levi turned away from me. He kept glancing back at me as I kept putting on the puppy dog eyes more and more. "Fine." He sighed and reluctantly grabbed the other end of the pocky. I smiled and happily started crunching away at my end of the pocky.

Levi refused to make eye contact with me and even had a little blush on his cheeks. I giggled as he glared at me. He eventually got too frustrated and threw the pocky across the room, grabbing the back of my head and pulling me into a sweet kiss. "Mmm." I giggled against his lips. He pulled away and smiled a little at my playfulness. "Wanna play again?"

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