LevixMiscarriage!Reader ~ Not your fault

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Trigger warning if you have had any experience with this devastating, unfortunate tragedy. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!♥️

(Y/N)'s POV

"Absolutely not!" Levi exclaimed. "Why would you even consider that?"

"I'll be at the wagons the whole time, just helping out." I grabbed his hands. "Please, Levi!"

"(Y/N) what if something happens?" He asked softly and placed a hand on my growing stomach. "What about the baby?"

"I'll just be helping the nurses, I'll be fine." I tried to assure him. "It's not even that big of an expedition anyways." After a couple minutes of thinking, he finally agreed.

"Fine." He sighed. "But I've got my eye on you. Both of you." He leaned down and pressed a kiss onto my stomach. Just a few more months...

"Thank you." I smiled.

Time skip

"Are you sure about this?" Levi asked me for the hundredth time as we got ready for the expedition.

"Yes, Levi." I chuckled.

"I just don't want anything bad to happen. You know how the Survey Corps is." He said.

"I know, but don't you trust me?"

"Of course I do." He answered. "Just promise me if anything happens, you'll come find me."

"I will." I smiled.

Time skip

The expedition went fairly well and only a few were injured. We got them stable and were heading back to the walls now. "I told you everything would be fine." I smirked as Levi rode beside the medical wagon on his horse.

"Be quiet, you brat." He grumbled.

"Umm... captain?" Armin mumbled.


"Titan! A whole horde!" Another Scout rode by.

"Retreat! Only engage if necessary!" Erwin yelled out. The titans quickly got too close for comfort and a couple squads were forced to fight them. I watched in horror as my comrades were swatted like flies, meeting their untimely demise.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?!" The head nurse yelled at me. My body moved on its own as I picked up a spare 3DMG set. I'm a soldier, I have to help! I couldn't even get out of the wagon before a titan's foot came crashing down into it.

Time skip

I groaned as I woke up in immense pain and tossed on the bed. What in the world happened? It was all just a bad dream right?!My eyes flew open as I found myself in the infirmary. I had bandages and stitches in my arms and legs.

Vivid memories flashed through my head as my eyes finally landed on my stomach. No no no no no. It was flat.

"NO!!!" I sobbed and screamed as I buried my face in my hands. My baby's gone... I lost our child... It's all my fault!

The door opened and Levi came in with tears on his face, a rare sight. In his arms he held a small lump covered by a cloth. "Go away." I said softly.

"Sweetheart-" He started.

"I said go away!" I yelled. "It's all my fault! I shouldn't have insisted on going on the expedition! I killed our child!"

"Shut up!" Levi yelled. "That's not true! You were just doing your duty as a soldier."

"But it hurts..." I gripped my chest. Levi pulled me into his embrace and stroked my hair with his free hand. I could feel his tears run down my cheek.

"I know..." He whispered.

"What's that?" I asked once I finally caught my breath a little.

"This..." Levi's hands shook as he took the white cloth off to reveal what looked like a tiny baby. "This is our child." He said. "They had to take him out. You would have died otherwise."

"'Him'?" I asked in disbelief. "It was a boy?"

"Yeah." He smiled waveringly. "Do you want to hold him?" I quickly nodded and he placed the small human in my arms.

"Hey there." I whispered and smiled, even though I knew he wouldn't respond in any kind of way. "I'm so sorry things ended up like this." Tears continued to stream down my face as Levi rubbed my back. "Me and your daddy love you so much... We'll see you one day." I gave a small kiss on his cold forehead and gave the baby back to Levi.

"Levi I'm tired." I said.

"I know. Just go to sleep, sweetheart." He kissed my cheek and helped me relax on the bed. Quickly I lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.

Time skip

The next days, weeks, even years were tough. Levi and I buried our son in the middle of the Survey Copes graveyard. About ten years later the titans were finally eradicated and Levi and I moved into a house not too far from the beach.

We successfully ended up having two twin girls and then another boy. At least once I month we went to go visit our son next to the now old Survey Corps HQ. Our other children always enjoyed telling him about life and what had been happening lately. It was tough at times, but we made it through... together.

Remember, IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!♥️

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