Chapter 16: The Consultation

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June 12, 1917, 7 pm

Ferreira's Rectory, Fatima, Ourém, Beira Litoral Province, Portugal

Tomorrows the important day when the Lady from Heaven will appear for the second time. The news about the three shepherd children's vision spread throughout Portugal. Everyone has their own belief and views on the three shepherd children's vision; some people believed their story, but many people believed it's a hoax. As a result, the children and their parents were ridiculed by their neighbors. The parents were called simpleminded, unfit to bring up children or else too timid to timid to punish them as they deserved. 

"I don't believe what they say is true. They were trying to give us hope that Portugal and the Allies will win the war against the Central Powers," one of their neighbors doubted the news about three shepherd children's vision. 

"I think they're lying and they are just children. I believed it's some kind of fairy tale or some woman's tales," another neighbor doubted the news about the three shepherd children's vision.

"I wish she were my daughter," one man wished as he twists his stocking hat in his hands. 

"A good thrashing would soon put an end to their visions, another man said as he swings his staff. Even the other children scoffed and jeered when the three shepherd children walk past them. Meanwhile, Senhora Maria Rosa consults with the village pastor named, Rev. Fr. Manuel Marques Ferreira.

"My daughter, Lucia, claimed that she had seen a 'Lady' from Heaven and I doubted it. I believed that she lied and it's some kind of woman's tales. What can you say about this, Rev. Fr. Manuel?" Senhora Maria Rosa consulted with the village pastor. 

"Hmm... Is this true, Lucia de Jesus Rosa Dos Santos?" Fr. Manuel asked Lucia as she couldn't answer the priest's question. Fr. Manuel tries to think of an idea what kind of advice or decision will he give to this matter.

"When will this 'Lady' from Heaven appear for the second time?" Fr. Manuel asked Lucia.

"Tomorrow, she told us that she'll appear every thirteenth day of six months," Lucia replied as she becomes silent.

"Senhora Maria Rosa, I want you to let Lucia and her cousins to go to the Cova da Iria tomorrow and bring them to me afterwards. Don't forget to tell this to your brother-in-law, Ti Marto," Fr. Manuel decided. Senhora Maria Rosa becomes shock at the village pastor's decision.

"Father, you believed my daughter's lies?" Senhora Maria Rosa shocked.

"I just say to you my decision, Senhora Maria Rosa. But I didn't say that I believe your daughter's vision about this 'Lady' from Heaven," Fr. Manuel explained. But, Senhora Maria Rosa wanted to change his decision and make her daughter, Lucia, to confess.

"B-but, Father. Manuel..." Senhora Maria Rosa doubted.

"It is decided," Fr. Manuel replied as he won't change his decision. Senhora Maria Rosa becomes disappointed at the village pastor's decision. So, Senhora Maria Rosa and her daughter, Lucia, leaves his house without saying a word. On the way home, Senhora Maria Rosa meets Ti Marto and tells him the Pastor's decision. 

"I'm so sad that Fr. Manuel won't change his decision," Senhora Maria Rosa disappointed.

"How about my children, Francisco and Jacinta? Will they be interrogated by Fr. Manuel too?" Ti Marto asked Senhora Maria Rosa. 

"I don't know. He never mentioned that he will also questioned your children. He just said to bring the children to him after the the Lady's apparition tomorrow. I suggest that you should talk to Fr. Manuel if he will include your children in the interrogation tomorrow," Senhora Maria Rosa suggested. After that, she leaves Ti Marto alone in the road and goes back home with her daughter. When Ti Marto reaches the rectory, he's taken to Fr. Manuel's residence.

"Senhor Prior, my sister-in-law, Senhora Maria Rosa, just told me that you want me to come here with the children after the Lady's next apparition, one at a time. I have come now to find out the best thing for us to do," Ti Marto said. 

"What a mess this is, sometimes it is white and sometimes it is black," Fr. Manuel remarked. 

"B-but, Fr. Manuel, you seem more ready to believe lies rather than facts. Whatever the children say about their vision of the Lady from Heaven is a hoax," Ti Marto calmly answered.

"So far, I never had to listen to anything of this sort. Everybody knows things before me. If you want to bring your children, Francisco and Jacinta to me, do it so; If you change your mind, don't bring them to me. It's your choice anyways." Fr. Manuel said. 

"Senhor Prior, I have come with nothing but the best intentions in mind," Ti Marto replied as he leaves his room. As he walks downstairs of the veranda, he could still hear the words that priest told him earlier before he left his room.

"Ti Marto, I leave it you. If you want to bring them to me, do it so; if you change your mind, don't bring them," Fr. Manuel repeated the words that he said earlier to Ti Marto.

"Good Father, I have come only what is best for us to do, not to cause any trouble," Ti Marto replied as he continues walking downstairs.

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