Chapter 20: The Seers' Future

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June 13, 1917, 12 noon

Cova da Iria, Fatima, Ourém, Beira Litoral Province, Portugal

The people from different cities of Portugal including Fatima followed the three shepherd children to the Cova da Iria. It's already few minutes before noon, Maria da Capelinha's feeling weak. She begins to wonder how long would the Lady will come, so goes to Lucia to ask her about it.

"Will it be long before the 'Lady' from Heaven comes?" Maria da Capelinha asked Lucia.

"No, Senhora. The 'Lady' from Heaven will come after a few minutes," Lucia unhesitatingly responded. The three shepherd children together bring out their rosary and they begin to pray the Holy Rosary. As they finished praying, Lucia sees a girl, beginning the Litany. She goes to her and stops her doing the Litany.

"Little girl, there's no time for it now," Lucia stopped the little girl. After that, a flash sparks in the sky.

"Jacinta, Jacinta, Francisco, here comes the 'Lady.' I just saw the flash sparked in the sky," Lucia shouted. The three shepherd children run towards the place where the carrasqueira is which the Lady stood over it like in the first apparition. Everyone follows and kneels upon the brush and furze. As the clock strikes 12 noon, the Lady from Heaven descends from the sky to the Cova da Iria. Like in the first apparition, She stands over to the carrasqueira. 

"You told me to come here today, Your Grace. What do You want me to do?" Lucia asked the Lady from Heaven.

"I want you to come here in the thirteenth of the next month. Pray the Holy Rosary, inserting between the mysteries of the following ejaculation - 'O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need of your mercy.' I want you to read and write and later I will tell you what else I want," the Lady from Heaven requested. The people didn't see the Lady, however, they heard something that sounds like a very gentle voice but did not understand what was said.

"It is like the gentle humming of a bee," Maria da Capelinha whispered as she watch and prays before the invisible 'Lady.' After that, Lucia brings out a sick person.

"Your Grace, may I request if you could heal him? Please," Lucia pleaded.

"I will heal him, if he is converted. Tell him not worry, Lucia, he will be cured within the year," the Lady replied. After hearing the Lady's reply, Lucia indicate what the Lady told her to the sick person.

"The Lady said that she will cure you if you will change your evil ways. Don't worry, She told me that you'll get well within the year," Lucia indicated what the Lady said to the sick person. After that, Lucia turns to the Lady and requests something.

"My Lady, I would like to ask You also to take us to Heaven!" Lucia requested.

"Yes, Lucia, I will soon do as you have requested," the Lady from Heaven granted Lucia's request. "I will take Jacinta and Francisco soon. You however, are to stay here a long period of time. My son, Jesus Christ, wants to use you to make Me known and loved. He wants to establish the Devotion to My Immaculate Heart in the world. I promise salvation to those who embrace it and their souls will be loved by God as flowers placed by Myself to adorn His throne."

"Am I going to stay here alone?" Lucia asked the Lady, full of sadness at the thought of losing her beloved cousins.

"No, My daughter. Does this cause you to suffer a great deal? I will never leave you, My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God." the Lady replied as Lucia's eyes filled with tears. After that, the Lady opens Her hands and communicates to them for the second time the reflection of the immense light that enveloped Her. There's a Heart before the palm of the right hand of the 'Lady', with thorns piercing it.

"Now, I understand that this was the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so offended by the sins of mankind," Lucia thought in mind. After that, the Lady begins to ascend herself to Heaven.

"Look there She goes; there She goes!" Lucia exclaimed as the crowd saw Lucia rise from the ground and stretching her arm.

"When the Lady left the tree, it was like the hissing of a distant rocket. As for us, we saw nothing but a slight cloud, just a few inches away from the foliage, rising towards the East," Maria da Capelinha thought in mind as she described and witnessed the Lady's invisible departure from the carrasqueira. The children remain silent, their eyes fasten in that direction, until a few minutes later Lucia exclaims to the people about the Lady entering Heaven.

"There now! It's all over. She has entered Heaven. The doors have closed," Lucia cried out as she sees the Lady entering Heaven. 

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