Chapter 50: Unexpected Arrival

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August 19, 1917, 4 pm

Valinhos, Fatima, Ourém, Beira Litoral Province, Portugal

The three shepherd children failed to come at the Lady's fourth apparition due of being abducted by the Magistrate. On the nineteenth day of August 1917, after attending the Holy Mass, the three shepherd children go to the Cova da Iria to pray the Holy Rosary. After that, they return to Aljustrel, a hamlet in Fatima, for lunch. After eating lunch, Lucia, together with her cousins, Francisco and his elder brother, John Marto, go to Valinhos where they intend to spend the whole afternoon. 

"I'm sad because we didn't see the Lady," Francisco said. 

"We will, we will," Lucia replied.

"If we haven't been kidnapped or abducted by the Magistrate, then we would have seen the Lady from Heaven," Francisco said.

"Yeah I know," Lucia said. "However, I have a feeling that the Lady will reward us for our unwavering fidelity to Her."

"Since we failed to come at the Cova da Iria six days ago, do you think we would see Her again next month?" Francisco asked Lucia.

"I don't know, Francisco. If She does appear next month, then I guess that She will adjust the remaining sessions as if She will lastly appeared on November," Lucia replied. When the clock reaches four o'clock in the afternoon, Lucia begins to notice a sudden typical flash in the sky. She also notices the sun begins to pale as the air begins to cool. Not only that, she also notices the pattern of different colors over everything.

"Hmm... there's a flash but the sun begins to pale," Francisco thought in mind. Lucia thinks that the Lady from Heaven will meet them today.

"John, will you go home and get Jacinta? Quickly, the Lady from Heaven is coming!" Lucia said. However, John Marto refuses as also want to see the Lady from Heaven.

"I can't and I also want to see this Lady where everyone's talking about," John Marto refused. After hearing his response, Lucia brings out four pennies from her pocket.

"Go fast as you could. I'll give you four pennies if you successfully bring Jacinta here. For now, I will give you two pennies and when you come back, I'll give the other two pennies," Lucia insisted. John Marto takes the two pennies and quickly runs back to his home in Aljustrel to get Jacinta. 

4:10 pm

Marto Residence, Fatima, Ourém, Beira Litoral Province, Portugal

Lucia gave four pennies to John Marto in exchange to get Jacinta. When he arrives in his home, he calls his mother, Olimpia Marto.

"Mother, mother, where is Jacinta?" John Marto asked his mother. "My cousin, Lucia, needs her now to Valinhos." 

"Aren't you three enough of your games? Couldn't you leave her alone for a minute?" Olimpia Marto asked his son, John Marto.

"Let her come, mother. Francisco and Lucia needs her now. See, mother, Lucia gave me two pennies to make sure I would successfully get and bring her to Valinhos," John Marto replied as he brings out the two pennies that Lucia gave him earlier. Olimpia Marto becomes shock. 

"Wow, two pennies! That was a quite huge amount of money for children to give away so easily in exchange for something important," Olimpia Marto shocked. "What does Lucia want from my daughter?" 

"Lucia has seen signs from the skies that the Lady will appear to them. It's the reason why she needs Jacinta now," John Marto said as he bursts it out.

"God be with you; She's not here," Olimpia Marto replied as John Marto becomes shock.

"What? Where is she, mother?" John Marto asked his mother about Jacinta's whereabouts.

"Jacinta is at her godmother's house," Olimpia Marto replied. 

"Thanks, mother," John Marto thanked as he quickly runs to Jacinta's godmother's house. When he arrives there, he whispers the news to Jacinta regarding the signs which Lucia thought and noticed earlier. 

"What are you doing her, John? I thought that you're with Lucia and Francisco," Jacinta asked John Marto.

"I'll explain later; we'd better go to Valinhos right now," John Marto said. "Lucia needs you there now."

"What? why, John?" Jacinta wondered.

"Earlier today, Lucia has seen signs from the skies that the Lady from Heaven will appear today but in a different place," John Marto whispered. After that, Jacinta and John Marto together hand in hand, race to a field in Valinhos. 

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