Chapter 21: Increasing Belief

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June 13, 1917, 1 pm

Fatima, Ourém, Beira Litoral Province, Portugal

Many people of Fatima were amazed about the invisible apparition of the "Lady" as they prayed before Her. Some people didn't believe there's an apparition as they believe that the three shepherd children were crazy. After the "Lady" ascended Herself to Heaven, the people of Fatima went back to the village. When they reached the village of Fatima, even though in the procession of Saint Anthony of Padua is in progress, the people who attend the festival are immediately noticed. Of course they tell everyone how happy and joyful they are for having gone to the Cova da Iria instead of remaining in the village for the feast of Saint Anthony of Padua, and many felt sorry for themselves, not having done the same.

"Hey, the three shepherd children's vision about apparition of the "Lady from Heaven" is true!" a man who have gone from the Cova da Iria happily exclaimed.

"Huh? What? Really?" a woman asked as she was about to believe him.

"Yes, it's true. As she invisibly ascended Herself into Heaven, I noticed that the small holm oak was moving, and this confirmed that this "Lady" from Heaven indeed appeared before them," the man who have gone to the Cova da Iria confirmed. As a result of spreading the confirmation of three shepherd children's vision of the "Lady from Heaven," many people believe them as regret themselves of attending the festival of Saint Anthony of Padua.

"Oh, I wish I would go to the Cova da Iria to pray instead of attending the festival of Saint Anthony of Padua," another woman sadly regretted.

"Don't worry, I think the next apparition of the "Lady from Heaven" will be next month at the same place in the same hour," the man replied. As many people from the Cova da Iria told about the invisible apparition of the "Lady from Heaven" to everyone who attended the festival, many people believed them, but many people doubted.

"It seems that those three shepherd children perfectly fooled them," a woman who attended the festival doubted. "I don't know if the people who go to the Cova da Iria are totally and entirely stupid, blind, and foolish."

"Well, before they go to the Cova da Iria today, those three shepherd children invited and gathered first to all the people living here in the village. another woman replied. "I don't know how to stop their lies. I wonder if the Fatima government and authorities are aware of this nonsense."

"Don't worry, if this nonsense continues, the Fatima government will become aware of this and they will put an end to this nonsense including the three shepherd children," the woman replied.

"Hope so they will," another woman expected. After that, many people continue attending the festival for honoring and celebrating the feast day of Saint Anthony of Padua, and many people decide to go home.

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