Chapter 65: Wish and Miracle

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October 13, 1917, 12:10 pm

Cova da Iria, Fatima, Ourém, Beira Litoral Province, Portugal

Before the three shepherd children leave the Marto home, a lady from Pombalinho came to Marto home and brought two dresses for the girls, a blue dress for Lucia and a white dress for Jacinta. The lady from Pombalinho dressed them herself and placed little artificial flowers on their heads in order to look like angels. Francisco's also dressed, wearing a blue coat, a white polo, a gray pants, and a black shoes. Maria da Capelinha also noticed the change of their outfit compared to the last three apparitions. 

In the Cova da Iria, Ti Marto is a little distance away from holm oak, Olimpia Marto is somewhere jumble in the crowd, Senhora Maria Rosa is close by the three seers, Antonio dos Santos, like Olimpia Marto, is somewhere jumble in the crowd, Maria da Capelinha is also somewhere close by the three seers, and Dr. Manuel Formigao is somewhere in the crowd as he maintains his vigil. Monsignor John Quaresma and Fr. Manuel do Carmo Gois are also present in the Cova da Iria.

"Their outfit are different compared to the last four apparitions," Maria da Capelinha thought in mind. One rainy day, after the priest harassed them, Lucia glances towards the East, and suddenly and unexpectedly notices a flash pierced in the sky.

"Jacinta, kneel down for the Lady from Heaven is coming. I have seen the flash pierced in the sky," Lucia softly said as the priest who harassed them earlier becomes silent.

"Okay," Jacinta replied.

"Be quiet, be quiet for the Lady from Heaven is coming," Lucia cried out as she sees the flash of lightning pierced in the sky. 

"Watch out, Lucia, don't be so deceived by the devil," Senhora Maria Rosa warned as the three shepherd children didn't hear her warning. From that moment, a luminous globe visibly appears to the three shepherd children and transforms itself into Lady from Heaven's appearance. The Lady's feet rests upon the ribbons and the beautiful flowers which Maria da Capelinha decorated and adorned the holm oak yesterday evening.

"What does Your Grace want of me?" Lucia asked the Lady from Heaven.

"I want to tell you that I wish a chapel to be built here in my honor for I am the Lady of the Rosary.* Continue to pray the Holy Rosary everyday. The Great War will end soon, and the soldiers will return to their homes," the Lady from Heaven wished and requested. 

"Yes, your Grace," Lucia replied. After that, Lucia remembers Her promise that She will tell them Her name at the thirteenth day of October.

"Will You tell me Your name?" Lucia asked the Lady from Heaven.

"I am the Lady of the Rosary," the Lady from Heaven replied as She told them Her identification. After hearing Her response, there is a reverent silence among the three shepherd children and the crowd.

"They had many things to ask of you: to heal the sick persons, to the conversion of sinners, and everything," Lucia asked the Lady from Heaven.

"For some yes; not others. It is necessary for them to amend their lives and to ask forgiveness of their sins. Do not offend God our Lord anymore, for He is already deeply offended," the Lady from Heaven replied.

"Don't You want anything else from me?" Lucia asked the Lady from Heaven.

"No, there's nothing more," the Lady from Heaven replied. After that, as the Lady from Heaven takes Her last leave to the three shepherd children, She opens Her hands which emits a ray of light. While She's rising towards the East, She points towards the sun. The ray of light gleaming from Her hands makes the nimbus clouds burst apart and scatter, clears the sky, and brightens the sun itself.

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