Chapter 37: Liberia into War

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August 4, 1917

Monrovia, Liberia

Liberia, country from West Africa, remained neutral after the outbreak of the First World War when the Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on Serbia. Most of the African countries were colonized by European countries such as United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Belgium. When the First World War broke out throughout Europe, most African countries became involved in the war. Any African countries colonized by the German Empire battled against any African countries colonized by Allies. 

Liberia was mostly an impoverished country in Africa. Germany was Liberia's major trading partner. Before the outbreak of the First World War, Liberia was dependent on Germany for around 75% of its foreign trade. When the First World War broke out throughout Europe, it caused the German trade to collapse, resulting to severe effects on the Liberian economy.

After the outbreak of the First World War, the sixteenth president of Liberia, Daniel Edward Howard, tried to keep his country out of the war. They declared their neutrality days after Austro-Hungarian's declaration of war against Serbia. However, during the war, President Daniel Edward Howard tended to support the Allies, whose colonial African territories surrounded their his country. Due to the outbreak, a number of customs revenue was lost and it was severely clashed Liberian government finances. 

On August 4, 1917, Liberia declared war on Germany. During the war with Germany, Liberia was able to seize German assets and other businesses in the country.

 During the war with Germany, Liberia was able to seize German assets and other businesses in the country

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