Chapter 60: Lucia's Replies

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September 27, 1917

Marto Residence, Aljustrel, Fatima, Ourém, Beira Litoral Province, Portugal

A priest named Dr. Manuel Formigao, a professor at the Seminary and Lyceum of Santarem, had questions in mind regarding the apparitions. Fourteen days later, he returned to Fatima to questioned the seers regarding the apparition. Around half an hour later after the interrogation with Jacinta, Lucia arrives in Marto home after going to a property owned by her family where she had been helping with a vintage. When Dr. Formigao called Lucia outside, she goes to him and sits on a chair beside him.

"Is it true that the Lady from Heaven appeared to you three in a place called Cova da Iria?" Dr. Formigao asked Lucia.

"Yes, Senhor, it is true," Lucia replied.

"How many time did She appeared to you three?" Dr. Formigao asked Lucia.

"She appeared to us five times, once a day in each month," Lucia replied.

"On what day of the month?" Dr. Formigao asked Lucia.

"Always on the thirteenth day of the month, except on the month of August," Lucia replied. After hearing her response, Dr, Formigao begins to wonder why the three seers didn't went to the Cova da Iria on the thirteenth day of August 1917.

"Why didn't you go to the Cova da Iria? What happened to you three on the thirteenth day of August?" Dr. Formigao asked Lucia.

"We've been kidnapped and taken to Ourém by the Magistrate, Artur Oliveira Santos. However, we've seen the Lady from Heaven in the same month which was on the nineteenth day of August at Valinhos," Lucia replied.

"Many people or rumors say that this Lady from Heaven appeared to you last year, in 1916. Is this true?" Dr. Formigao asked Lucia.

"Nope, the Lady from Heaven never appeared to us last year until the month of May 1917. I never say that the Lady from Heaven appeared to us last year because it's not true," Lucia replied.

"Where does this Lady come from? From the east?" Dr. Formigao asked Lucia.

"I don't know because I don't see Her come from anywhere. During Her apparition, she appears on the top of the holm oak. When the session's over, She ascends Herself to the sky in the direction where the sun rises," Lucia replied.

"How long does She stay and visibly appeared to you three? Long or short time?" Dr. Formigao asked Lucia.

"She visits us for a short time," Lucia replied.

"Enough to be able to recite an Our Father prayer and Hail Mary prayer, or more?" Dr. Formigao asked Lucia.

"A good deal more, but it is not always the same time; perhaps it would be not long enough to pray and say the Holy Rosary," Lucia replied.

"When She appeared to you for the first time on the thirteenth day of May 1917, were you afraid or frightened to see Her?" Dr. Formigao asked Lucia.

"When She appeared to us for the first time, I wanted to ran away with my cousins, Francisco and Jacinta. However, She told us not to be afraid because She would not hurt us," Lucia replied.

"How is She dressed? What's Her outfit when She appeared to you three?" Dr. Formigao asked Lucia.

"She's wearing a white dress and her long skirt reaches to Her feet. Her head's covered with a mantle, the same color and the same length," Lucia replied.

"Is there something anything on Her dress?" Dr. Formigao asked Lucia.

"In the front, two gold cords which fall from the neck are joined at the waist by a tassel. The tassel's also gold," Lucia replied.

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