Chapter 57: Come Again

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September 13, 1917. 12 noon

Cova da Iria, Fatima, Ourém, Beira Litoral Province, Portugal

Before the fifth apparition, Monsignor John Quaresma had many questions in his mind whether the apparition as well as the three shepherd children's testimonies are true or not. He agreed to Fr. Manuel do Carmo Gois's suggestion of going to the Cova da Iria on the thirteenth day of September 1917. 

When they reached at the Cova da Iria, Fr. Manuel do Carmo Gois chooses a spot where they could easily see the place where the three shepherd children prayed as they waited for the Lady's apparition. Minutes before noontime, Lucia starts praying the Holy Rosary. As they're finish praying the Holy Rosary at noontime, Monsignor John Quaresma and Fr. Manuel do Carmo Gois notice something on the crowd.

"I can't believe how many are here, attending the Lady's fifth apparition," Monsignor John Quaresma thought in mind as he notices silence on the crowd. He also hears whispered prayers said by the crowd until one day, a luminous globe suddenly appears to the three shepherd children and the crowd.

"Look! Don't you see that luminous globe?" one of the people in the crowd asked as many people in the crowd raise their arms to point at the luminous globe above.

"Yes! Yes! I see it...!" another person in the crowd replied as he also see the luminous globe above. Monsignor John Quaresma and Fr. Manuel do Carmo Gois also sees the luminous globe above in the sky and they become surprise.

"Wow! I...I can't believe it," Fr. Manuel do Carmo Gois surprised as he sees the luminous globe in the sky.

"Wow! I can't believe on what I saw! Is this really really real? Am I dreaming or something?" Monsignor John Quaresma thought in mind as he's also surprised to see the luminous globe above in the sky. Everyone including him stares at it as the luminous globe glides slowly and majestically from east to west through space.

"Monsignor, I can't believe on what I saw! This apparitions of the Lady from Heaven are real," Fr. Manuel do Carmo Gois said as he happily sees the unexpected sign of the Lady from Heaven's arrival. One day, a little girl, dressed like Lucia is excited with joy as she sees the luminous globe descending.

"I still see Her... now She is coming down," a little girl shouted as she repeats her words over and over again until the luminous globe disappears. When the luminous globe lands on the holm oak, it disappears in front of the crowd but the luminous globe visibly appears to the three shepherd children and transform itself to Lady from Heaven.

"Hmm...," Fr. Manuel do Carmo Gois thought in mind. A few minutes later, the luminous globe becomes visible to the the three shepherd and the crowd.

"If you want to see the Lady, look that way!" Lucia shouted as she points to the East. Many people looks at the East as they see a luminous globe ascending towards Heaven. 

"Now, the Lady from Heaven is rising again!" the little girl exclaimed as she points at the luminous globe ascending itself to the East. The little girl stares at the luminous globe with her eyes until it disappears towards the sun. After that, Monsignor John Quaresma turns at his friend who's enthusiastic on what they have seen. He begins to asks his friend regarding the apparition.

"My friend, what do you think about this globe?" Monsignor John Quaresma asked his friend.

"It's the Lady from Heaven, Monsignor," his friend replied without any hesitation. "For me, this is a sign that the Lady from Heaven indeed appear to the three shepherd children. We cannot question nor interpret on what we saw today."

"Hmm..." Monsignor John Quaresma thought in mind. One day, one of Monsignor's colleagues go and approach to some groups along the road and in the Cova da Iria in order to inquire them on what they have seen regarding the apparitions of the Lady from Heaven.

"What can you say about this globe?" one of Monsignor's colleagues asked to a person who witnessed the luminous globe.

"It's the Lady from Heaven; there's no doubt about it," the witness replied. After that, Monsignor's colleague go to another person to inquire on what they have seen regarding the apparitions of the Lady from Heaven.

"What can you say about this globe that you have seen today?" one of Monsignor's colleagues asked to a person who witnessed the luminous globe.

"For me, I believe it's the Lady from Heaven who transformed Herself into a luminous globe. I have no questions nor interpretations regarding this apparition," one of the witnesses replied. After asking, one of his colleagues go back where Monsignor John Quaresma is. 

"All of them have the same answers that this luminous globe was the Lady from Heaven Herself," one of Monsignor's colleagues reported. After hearing his report, they believe that they affirm the reality of this supernatural phenomena which they have look thoughtfully for a long time. After that, they return home from their pilgrimage in Fatima. Due to their deep satisfaction, they decide to return to the Cova da Iria on the thirteenth day of October 1917 to strengthen more of their faith in the apparitions.

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