Chapter 17: See is to Believe

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June 12, 1917, 9 pm

Carriera's Residence, Fatima, Ourém, Beira Litoral Province, Portugal

The news about the three shepherd children's vision spread throughout Portugal. It also reaches to a Portuguese woman named, Senhora Maria Carreira, who will be later known as Maria da Capelinha (Maria of the Little Chapel). Senhora Maria Carreira is one of the Portuguese who also believes the three shepherd children's vision. Two or three days after the first apparition, Senhor Manuel Carreira, husband of Maria da Capelinha, had been working for Lucia's father, Antonio dos Santos. During his work, Antonio dos Santos told him about his daughter and her visions about the 'Lady' from Heaven. Days later...

"My dear, Antonio dos Santos told me that this 'Lady' from Heaven appeared to one of his daughters and to two children of his sister, the one married to Ti Marto. The 'Lady' from Heaven spoke to them and promised to return there every thirteenth day of the month through October," Manuel Carreira narrated. After Maria da Capelinha heard what Antonio dos Santos told her husband, her curiosity arouses. 

"I'm going to find out if this is true. If it's true, I want to go there. Where is the Cova da Iria?" Maria da Capelinha curiously asked her husband. Her husband told her where it is, and although it's only a ten minute walk from their house to Cova da Iria, she had never went there before.

"You must be foolish. Do you think you too will see Our Lady?" Manuel Carreira discouraged her wife from going to Cova da Iria where the 'Our Lady' will appear the next day.

"I know I won't see Her, but if we heard that the king is going there, we wouldn't stay at home. If they say that the Lady from Heaven is coming, why shouldn't I go and at least try to see Her?" Maria da Capelinha replied.

"B-but, Maria..." Manuel continuously discouraged her from going to the Cova da Iria.

"It is decided, Manuel," Maria da Capelinha finally decided. Manuel has no choice but to respect his wife's decision of going to the Cova da Iria tomorrow.

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