Chapter 58: Francisco's Replies

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September 27, 1917

Marto Residence, Aljustrel, Fatima, Ourém, Beira Litoral Province, Portugal

Before and after the Lady's fifth apparition in the Cova da Iria, many people still questioned themselves about the apparition as they wanted to ask and interrogate the three shepherd children. One of them is a priest named Dr. Manuel Formigao, a professor at the Seminary and Lyceum of Santarem. 

On the thirteenth day of September 1917, he went there to see the apparition. He stood about two hundred yards away from the three shepherd children who are kneeling towards the holm oak where the Lady from Heaven stood. Dr. Formigao had seen none of the remarkable phenomena reported by the crowd during the direct communication between the Lady and the three shepherd children. The only odd thing he had seen, observed, and described was a diminution in the light of the sun during the Lady's fifth apparition. One day, on the twenty-seventh day of September 1917, he goes back to Fatima to question them again. 

"What have you seen in the Cova da Iria during these months, Francisco?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco as he brings out his notebook to write all the answers from his questions.

"I have seen the Lady from Heaven," Francisco replied.

"Where does this Lady appear?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco.

"On the top of a small holm oak," Francisco replied.

"Does She appear suddenly, or do you see Her coming from anywhere?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco.

"I see Her coming from the side where the sun rises and stops on the oak tree," Francisco replied.

"Does She come to you three slowly or quickly?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco.

"She always comes down quickly?" Francisco replied.

"I notice that Lucia is the only who speaks directly to the Lady from Heaven. Do you hear what the Lady says to Lucia?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco.

"No," Francisco replied. "I never heard even a single word from Her; the Lady from Heaven have muted my ears."

"Do you ever speak to the Lady from Heaven? Has She ever spoken to you, Francisco?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco.

"No, neither have I spoke nor asked her anything. She only speaks to Lucia," Francisco replied.

"Who does She look at? You three, you and Jacinta, or Lucia only?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco.

"She looks at the three of us, but she mostly looks at Lucia," Francisco replied.

"Did She cry or smile during Her apparition?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco.

"She wasn't crying nor smiling when She appeared to us. She's always serious when She spoke to us," Francisco replied.

"How is She dressed? What's Her outfit when She appeared to you three?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco.

"She has a long dress, and over it a mantle which covers Her head and falls to the edge of Her dress," Francisco replied.

"What is the color of Her dress and the mantle?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco.

"It is white, and the dress has gold lines," Francisco replied.

"What is Her attitude?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco.

"Like someone praying, She has Her hands joined together at the height of Her breast," Francisco replied.

"Does She carry anything in Her hands?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco.

"She carries a rosary around the palm and back of Her right hand," Francisco replied.

"What does She wear on her ears?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco.

"It's covered with a mantle so I cannot say whether She wears something in Her ears?" Francisco replied.

"Is the Lady from Heaven beautiful?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco.

"Yes, She is more beautiful," Francisco replied.

"More beautiful than the girl over there?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco as he points at the girl outside of his home playing with Jacinta.

"Yes, Senhor, the Lady's more beautiful," Francisco replied.

"However, Francisco, there are ladies out there who are much more beautiful than that girl?" Dr. Formigao asked Francisco.

"The Lady's more beautiful than anyone I have ever seen in my life," Francisco replied. After that, he ends his questioning with Francisco.

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