Chapter 26: Real or Trick?

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June 14, 1917, 9 am

Ferreira's Rectory, Fatima, Ourém, Beira Litoral Province, Portugal

The secret of three shepherd children also reached to the Pastor of Fatima, Rev. Fr. Manuel. In the next morning, the three shepherd children walk out of their home and together they go to the rectory. When the three shepherd children reach the rectory, Fr. Manuel and his sister graciously welcome in their rectory. Fr. Manuel hopes to settle his doubts about the apparition of the "Lady" from Heaven.

"Good Morning, Fr. Manuel," the three shepherd children together greeted them.

"Good Morning, children," Fr. Manuel greeted them. "Come in, there are questions I need to ask regarding about the apparition of the 'Lady' from Heaven."

"Yes, Father, it's reason why we came here to your rectory," Lucia replied as the three shepherd children enter the Pastor's rectory. They sit in a living room where they could discuss regarding about the apparition of the 'Lady' from Heaven.

"I hope to settle my doubts about the 'Lady's' apparition. If the 'Lady' visibly appeared only to you, She must given you an important message," Fr. Manuel said as he felt to know about the apparition. "Jacinta, what did the 'Lady' told you? What's Her message?"

"Hmm..." Jacinta silenced as bows her head before the priest in complete silence. 

"Say the Rosary," Francisco replied his question for just three words.

"The 'Lady' came down from Heaven and stood up in a small holm oak. She told us to pray the Rosary every day," Lucia added of what Francisco replied to Fr. Manuel's question.

"Hmm...there's something strange about this apparition. It's impossible that 'Lady' would come down from Heaven just to tell us to pray the Holy Rosary every day," Fr. Manuel remarked. "Praying the Holy Rosary is followed almost by the whole parish. As a rule, when things of this sort happen, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, directs the souls that He speaks with to give a full account to their pastors or confessors. This child holds back as much as she can. The 'Lady's' apparition could be a trick of the devil. Time will tell us what attitude we must take." 

"W-what?" Francisco shocked.

"The devil?" Lucia became shock when she heard that the apparition may be a trick of the devil according to Fr. Manuel.

"I don't know, Lucia... It may be a trick of the devil, but we'll see..." Fr. Manuel said. 

"Is there any report or accounts of any saint who experience fake Heavenly apparitions such as Marian, Jesus, or others?" Lucia asked Fr. Manuel.

"If you know that around 16th century, the Devil appeared to St. Philip Neri disguised as the Virgin Mary; after spitting on it, the image of Mary was turned into Satan," Fr. Manuel storied. After hearing a short report, Lucia becomes worried as she thinks whether the apparition of the 'Lady' from Heaven is really real or fake. 

"I don't know..." Lucia worried.

"Well, according to St. Paul's second letter to the Corinthians, it said, 'Satan disguises himself as an angel of life.' About the apparition of the 'Lady' from Heaven, I could say that it may be a trick of the devil," Fr. Manuel replied. After that, Lucia leave the rectory, uneasy and very worried.

"Is this a trick of the devil? Is the priest right? Who am I to say the priest is wrong?" Lucia terribly upset. She begins also to doubt about the apparition of the 'Lady' from Heaven. In a short time, Francisco and Jacinta exits the rectory and found Lucia terribly worried, unease, and upset.

"Lucia, it is not the devil! Not at all! Satan and all the devils are ugly and they are under the earth in Hell. The Lady is so beautiful and we saw Her rise into Heaven," Jacinta said as she tries to clear Lucia's mind about the apparitions of the Lady from Heaven.

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