Chapter 42: The Kidnapping

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August 13, 1917, 11:20 am

Fatima, Ourém, Beira Litoral Province, Portugal

Fr. Manuel changed his mind about the apparitions of the Lady from Heaven. He though that the apparitions of Lady are not work of the devil, but made-up stories created or invented by three shepherd children. When the Magistrate heard from Lucia that if she return to the Cova da Iria to ask permission, his plans against the three shepherd children will be spoiled or jeopardized. So, he interjected their conversation. Meanwhile, the Magistrate accompany Lucia to his carriage.

"Senhor Marto, you may go now," Artur said as Ti Marto gets off the Magistrate's carriage. After Ti Marto gets off his carriage, Lucia sits beside Jacinta in the back while Francisco sits in front of the Magistrate's carriage.

"Whatever happens, the Lord will always be with you," Ti Marto said to the three shepherd children.

"Yes, may the Lord will always be with you too," Jacinta replied as Ti Marto waves his hand at them and leaves them in the Magistrate's carriage. As the carriage sped off, Lucia notices they're going the wrong way.

"Senhor, Artur, you're going the wrong way," Lucia timidly said.

"We're going to see the priest in Ourém first and then, I'll take you to Fatima. Oh don't worry, you three will get there in time," Artur replied. The Magistrate tries to make the children believe that he will take them to see the priest in Ourém first to consult with him.

"Where's is he really taking us?" Francisco quietly asked them.

"I don't know," Lucia replied. As the carriage sped away, the people of Fatima along the road sees the three shepherd children inside the Magistrate's carriage. They begin to realize that the Magistrate's kidnapping the three shepherd children.

"Look, the Magistrate's taking away the children!" one of the people in Fatima shouted. After that, the people of Fatima along the road grab stones in the ground and thy throw at the Magistrate's carriage. Quickly, the Magistrate covers the three shepherd children with a robe. 

"I want you to cover yourselves with this robe," the Magistrate said as he gives the three shepherd children a robe. 

11:35 am

The Magistrate's Residence, Ourém, Beira Litoral Province, Portugal

In the meantime, the frightened three shepherd children arrives at the Magistrate's home in Ourém. Relishing over his success, the Magistrate grabs the three shepherd children out of his carriage.

"What is he trying to do with us?" Francisco quietly asked Lucia.

"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this," Lucia replied. After that, the Magistrate pushes them inside his home and locks them in a sealed room. 

"Senhor Artur, why did you lock us in?" Jacinta wondered.

"You won't leave this room until you tell me Her secret," Artur said. As the Magistrate leaves them in a locked room, the three shepherd children didn't say a word as they kept their promise to the Lady from Heaven. 

"If they executed us, it doesn't matter because we all go straight to Heaven as the Lady promised us before," Jacinta consoled Francisco and Lucia. Meanwhile, the wife of the Magistrate, Senhora Santos, becomes furious. 

"Artur, what are you doing?!" Senhora Santos furiously asked the Magistrate. "Why did you kidnap those children?"

"My plan is to kidnap them because I want to know their secret," Artur replied. "They won't get out of that sealed room unless they told me the secret which the Lady told them."

"You imbecile, what you did is completely wrong. You kidnapped them and detained them in a sealed room as if they were locked in a dungeon. If they won't tell the secret, don't force them," Senhora Santos said.

"My plans against the three shepherd children are none of your business! Do what you want with the children, I don't care. However, you make a 100% sure that you won't let them escape," Artur replied. After that, the Magistrate leaves his home. 

11:50 am

Later, the wife of the Magistrate, Senhora Santos, feels pity to the three shepherd children as she wants to prove herself of being kind to them. One day, she goes to the sealed room where the three shepherd children were locked in and unlocks it. 

"You may go out of this room now," Senhora Santos said as the three shepherd children walks out of the sealed room. "I'm so sorry if my husband did this to you."

"It's okay, Senhora," Lucia forgave. After that, Senhora Santos kindly feeds the three shepherd children for their lunch. During their captivity, she lets her children to play with them and gives them albums or photo books to look at. 

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