Chapter 4

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I woke up in a white room. Probably some pack's infirmary. Who was the man who saved me? Do he belongs to this pack? Lots of question ran through my mind. Then I looked at my stomach. It was flat, like I never ever been pregnant. The sense of dread gripped me.

I looked around to try to find a nurse. When I did saw her, she just turned around and left the room. Weird, why she would be avoiding me? I tried to get up found myself unable to do so. "Hello I am Dr. Grey" A woman came inside with a clipboard.

"Dr. grey?" I questioned. "Yes child" She said softly. "Where is my baby?" I asked. "We will get to that but first tell me are you in pain?" She asked softly. "My whole body feels like I am run over by a truck" I said truthfully. "Ok, Miss..." She paused. "Oh I am Winter" I didn't gave her my full name but she nodded anyway.

"Miss Winter you need to remain calm when I check for the healing ribs" She said. "Who bought me here? The man... The man with Golden eyes..." I said swallowing hard as she pressed and poked at places making me groan again and again. "You seem to be healing nicely" She commented.

"Can I see my baby?" I asked. A dark shadow passed over her face, but then she quickly recovered and made a neutral face. "He is well healing" She replied sceptically. I caught something odd about that tone. And I fear the worst.

"Tell me where my son is" I demanded. "Calm down miss winter he needs to heal" She tried to calm me down. "No take me to my child now" I shouted. She tried to restrain me but I resisted. I jumped on her in order to render her unconscious. But I forgot the fact that she is a wolf and far much stronger than me.

Someone pulled me up and placed me on bed. His eyes were golden but they turned black again. He was the man from the forest. For some reason I felt afraid of him. He was insanely attractive with his long shoulder- length hairs. Black as night and so his eyes, inky black. There is nothing human about him.

"If you want to see you son alive I suggest you to co-operate" That shut me up and he pulled me closer. His nose ran on my neck, while I sat there on the bed frozen with fear. Please don't. "You smell divine Mon Amore. Like something sweet and something dark. I like it. I so like how you smell" He said tilting my neck for better access. Why does it feel good? Why does his touch feel so warm?

He left me and stood up. "How is she healing?" He asked a dazed Dr. Grey. "She is healing good Alpha Donovan" He snarled and his eyes turned golden to black and golden again. His canines lengthen. She shirked in fear. And bared her neck in submission, a sign of respect in wolves, She knows he is superior to her.

"Don't ever call me that got it? I am not a Donovan. I am just Victor" He said angrily. His eyes turning golden again, He snarled and looked at me. I flinched visibly. And his expression soften. "She gets on my nerves, you do understand do you. I am just the Alpha Prince to everyone." He said looking at me intently accessing me.

I felt like hiding myself from his gaze. And then I saw a fleeting time beautiful grey eyes looking at me. He looks almost human with those. Why he have golden eyes then? He quickly averted his gaze. "Dress her up and ready her for the night. I like to see her in my room in an hour" He commanded. And In saw the woman beside me nodding in silence.

He left and she breathed a sigh of relief. "Excuse me mam but can you tell me where I am?" I asked. "You are in the dark pack." My eyes widen. No, no, no I cannot be here. It is the worst place in earth to be. Their alpha murder in cold blood, he had became a target to the wolf council. And he de-taste the name Donovan. And only one I know with the name Donovan is Rogue king, Alpha Donovan.

Shit he is the Prince, Alpha Prince. I don't want to stay here any moment. Dr. Grey looked at me suspiciously and then shied. "I know what are you thinking but you cannot. He will not let you. You belong to him now, he saved your life and your child's now you are his. A part of his harem." The hell? Who keeps long list of slave women these days? I am not going to be part of anything.

"I...cannot" I said quietly. "You don't have any choice. He will kill your child. Beside he had own over another pack today. He made the alpha submit. He wants to celebrate." She said horrified. I know how she feels. I am feeling the same way right now. Horrified. "It is nothing to celebrate." I mumbled. "It had been this way since he came here" She informed. "Then maybe you should think about overthrowing him." I suggested.

"Shhh... don't say those words here. You don't want to die horrible death do you?" She asked. "" I said looking into her eyes. "now come on let's get you dressed and make you presentable" She said pulling me up of the bed.

By making me presentable, she means to clean and cut and shave every unnecessary thing in my body. It was torturous. She dressed me in a blue sheer nightwear. It simply hides nothing. I wanted to run to my closet and cover myself with long shirts of mine. I like to be decent.

She brushed my hairs and put small floral pins there. I looked pretty. My face was devoid of make-up, just a little lip gloss. I know I am not the best looking person in whole world but still time- to – time I too like to look good. "You are one pretty girl, the other girls will be jealous" She commented.

Yes, like I want to be an unwilling sex slave. I just want to get out of here and run away maybe I can just get hold of king or queen and tell them what their potential Nephew is doing here. I shook my head to clear it off the thoughts. I need to get my child to safety.

"Come on he is the most impatient boy in the whole world, you don't want to be late" She said to me. "O..k" I replied looking at my naked feet. They felt cold against stone floor. First thing I noticed about this place that, it is cold. A bit too cold, not a single speck of warmth is in here. I am shivering in these flimsy cloths. I wish I was back in my little cottage.

I saw the old fashion lamps lining the wall, some torches too. The flames are only source of light in here. It is just too much cold, too much dark, like the name. If I am reading the history correct it is one of the cruelest and vicious packs ever came into existence. And now it is back at top again. Thanks to him.

I was stopped by the jerk of a hand, probably it was Dr. grey. I wanted to as why I was stopping, when I saw her looking at the double mahogany doors. They were shut tightly. She knocked at it three times, then she stopped and knocked again three times. She looked at me and give a small reassuring smile.

The heavy doors opened by a man and he looked up and down of my body with lust. I remain stiffen with fear. "go on, he will be waiting for you" Dr. grey's voice broke silence and I felt my feet move in their own accord.

Word Count: 1361 Words

The Lost Prince (Werewolf Saga Book 4) completeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora